Saturday 30 July 2011

Organisation of Location

I have decided to film my trailer in a run down building. It is the perfect place to create the scary atmosphere I intend to portray in my advert. People work within this building, but my mum also works in there so I have access throughout, apart from in other people's rooms, which shouldn't be a problem. I chose this location because it looks run down and it often quiet so I will not be limited when filming. There is also a very dark corridor which I envisaged when writing my script. I have taken some photos around the building so show where I will film and where I will not:

Here is the corridor that I will use in the last part of my trailer. It is perfect with the lights off for what I want to do, because there is light coming in at one end, and it is very dark at the end I am standing in this picture. I will  have my actors stood at the lighter end looking scared whilst I film, then my other actor as a zombie/mutant in the dark where they are barely visible. There are paintings on the wall which I may have to move, but from when I had looked at the corridor with the lights off, you cant actually see these so I don't think it will be a problem.

Here is an empty area on one of the floors that I want to use for where they have reached the top of the stairs wondering where to go next. there is too much light coming in through the window here, so I will cover this gap to make it darker, even though I will be using a night vision effect when editing. I liked this area because there is enough empty space to set up filming and fit my actors in one shot. The door that goes in to the corridor is also here, so this is where I will film them entering the corridor. However, I really think it is too light, even if i cover the window, so I think I will use the darker area of the floor shown in the next photograph.

This is an image from the same area above. This area is much darker and I think it will look better and scarier when filiming so I will film in this part rather than the other end of the empty floor. The door they enter will also be able to be seen better here.

This is the stairs I want them to run up. They lead up to the floor in the previous photographs, so I want them to run up here and then and then stop at the top so I can film the next shot of them panicking. I like how the stairs look old and grungy. A location like this is often used in horror movies because it sugegsts no sense of civilisation, therefore no one to help them. I think these stairs show why the location is perfect for my genre.

This is a shot of the corner of the stairs where they will turn up and around the corner. The stairs are limited for space, but I dont think it should cause an issue as I am not setting up huge camera equipment. The only issue is is that I may not be able to see enough of the actors, but from this photo, which will was taken at the same angle the camera will be filming, I think I will have enough space to get a clear shot. I will have to ask my actors to be careful on the stairs as they are a hazard due to the limit of space and they are also quite steep.

This is looking down the next flight of stairs where then will turn round the corner and run up them. Again, these stairs are limited for space and steep so I will have to ask my actors to be careful. There is quite a lot of light coming in from the window, but as I will only be filming them coming round the corner and I will be editiing the film to look like night vision anyway, I dont think it will be an issue.

This is where I will start filming. Here my actors will run forward, round the corner and make their way up the stairs. I think this will be fine to do in one shot, but might need a few takes. This area is large and empty so I have plenty of room to film and show my actors in shot. It is also quite dark here, especially in the late afternoon when it's starting to get dark. However there is the window I mentuioned before, but i dont think it will be an issue as I am editing in night vision.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Plan for Film Magazine Front Cover

I have come up with the name LCA (Lights, Camera, Action) for my magazine as I felt it was a name that would work well. I came up with it by thinking of things that relate to movies. I thought lights camera action worked best as a name, but thought it would look too long as a masthead. Therefore I shortened it to LCA as this will fit on the cover well and is also more catchy. I wanted a different masthead that stood out against the rest, so this was what I came up with:

Here is a sketch of the image I want to use for my cover. I really liked the way in the Empire cover Harry Potter was reaching out, so I incorporated this in by having her hand stretch out trying not to be pulled away. I will take this at a low level so I can acheive this. I also want to have blood on her hands (look at organisation of props) to add to the horror effect and also fit in with the colour scheme I am thinking of for my magazine which is red, white and grey.

Here is a layout plan for my magazine cover. I will probably have to make some changes when I actually make my magazine cover in order to see how things look with the image, but these layouts are some general ideas of what I'm aiming for.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Plan for Film Poster

For my poster I want to include text that is the titles from my trailer to create dramatic effect, like on the REC/Quarantine posters. I think this will work well as it will help draw attention to my poster. Below I have also come up with a sketch of the photograph I am going to aim to take. I want an image that is subtle but frightening, as I feel this is the best way to create fear.

Here are some other sketches of other ideas I had that I dont think I will go with as I don't feel they will work as well.

Here I have created a layout plan for where I might place everything on my poster. Although this is a simple layout, from my research I feel that it works well and is easier to display information clearly. This layout is commonly used for film posters, but I thought I would stick with it rather than giving my poster a very different layout that may not get information across as clearly or work with my image idea.
I also came up with another layout idea that I think would work with the image I want to take and use but I dont think this will work as well. Although this layout would probably look good in terms of compostion and fitting with the image, I think the text may look crammed and I might not be able to fit everything I want to fit in. It also means I will have to make the text smaller to fit the on side of the wall (see drawing above) and I will have a blank space where the other side of the wall is. However I might try doing this, just to see what it looks like.