Thursday, 13 October 2011

Production Schedule

I have created a production schedule to plan my time carefully for my final versions, as I did not plan in my gant chart to re-film. If I stick to this schedule I will easily get all my work completed on time. I red sections are are days in the week which I have selected to do work. I chose mostly saturdays and sunday, but also some wednesdays, as these are the days I have most time to edit.

(please click to enlarge)

New Script for Teaser Trailer - Final Version

The trailer opens with Lionsgate sequence. A quite, disturbing droning is playing through. The Lionsgate sequence fades to black but the music continues, leaving the audience in darkness. After some time building tensions whilst listening to the droning, we hear some people whispering.

Girl: Shh, be quiet

Boy: I think I hear something

Girl: Get the camera

At this point the shot fuzzes on the screen showing Cathy in an extreme close up setting up the camera on a tripod. The shot is in night vision. She then steps back to join Jason and Joan behind her. They all looks around them looking worried.

Cathy: Can you still hear it?

Jason: No, I think it's gone.

There is then a silence. Suddenly there is a strange echoing screeching sound which makes them all run. Cathy grabs the camera as she moves past, putting her hand over the lense which cuts the shot to black.

The titles fuzz on screen with an interference sound and police radios. They are distorted like the shot we have just seen.

Title 1: Approximatley 275,000 people go missing in the UK every year.

Title fades to black

Cut to Cathy filming Jason and Joan. They all run together around and up a flight of stairs. They are out of breath and extremely panicked. The shot is still in night vision.

Jason: Up here!

Shot cuts to next title. Again the title fuzzes and there is interference sounds and police radios.

Title 2: One person goes missing every two minutes.

Title fades to black.

Cut to them back inside the building. Jason and Joan run up the stairs, Cathy follows them with the camera.

Joan: Run!

Cut to next title. Again title fuzzes with interference and police radio sound effects.

Title 3: Over 35,400 of these people are found dead

Fade to black.

Cut back to filming. They have now reached the top of the stairs and jason is looking down a dark corridor unsure wether to go down. Cathy's voice from behind the camera encourages him to go.

Cathy: There's nothing there, go. Go!

Cut to next title. This first part of the title fuzzes with the interference sound and police radio.

Title 4: At least 16,000 dissapear

The sound effects stop as this title fades out and the next title fades in.

Title 5: forever.

This title remains still on screen for a while, giving high impact. Suddenly there is an interference sound and it fuzzes to black.

The screen is black for a few seconds whilst the audience hears a girl crying, terrified.

Cut to Cathy still filming Joan standing very close to her against a wall. Joan stands there covering her mouth with both hands, as if she is attempting to be completly silent and hold in a scream.Cathy moves the camera around so it faces down the hall way. At the end there is a silhouette that moves in a strange way. She zooms in and the camera goes out of focus, then in focus again. The audience still can not see what the silhouette is, but they can tell it is not human.

Suddenly the shot cuts to black and the audience hear a girl's piercing scream. She continues to scream when a male and another female start screaming and crying. The audience know it is the three characters they have just seen. While the screams continue, the name of the film flickers in followed by the release date and institutional references.

Title 6: RUN

Title 7: October 2011

Title 8: Institutional references and website underneath.

This last titles fuzzes out to black with an interference sound.

Plans For Final Versions

Teaser Trailer
I have decided to re-film my teaser trailer to get better quality shots. I think I also need to make it longer as it's quite short, as stated in my audience feedback. I also need to include a green band and institutional refernces which I planned to do anyway but didn't put them in my draft version. I also want to change the script slightly to introduce a different opening shot that I feel will work a lot better. I also feel my trailer needs more sound. I didn't want to have a lot of sound because I wanted to make it more sinister like the REC teaser trailer, but I feel I should have quiet droning sounds in the background to build tension and to join the clips together as they seemed to have quite a harsh division of between sounds, going from quiet in the titles to louder in the shots. I will keep the night vision effect as from my audience feedback I found that people liked this, but I don't want it to be as green as I felt this was too much.

I didn't get many bad points about my poster and I don't feel I should make many changes as I'm quite happy with it. Some people said that the full stop was too far away from "RUN" which I completely agree with. This was because of the type face I used. I want to keep the type face but I will use a different one for the full stop in or to move it closer as the spacing is very wide on the punctuation for this particular type face. Some people also mentioned I had no institutional logos or rating, which I will also put in as I feel this is extremely nessercary. I have also decided to experiment with adding some fuzzy lines on the poster to suggest it is a screenshot from "real footage" which I notices most of the film poster from this genre had.

Magazine Cover
For my final magazine poster I need to make a few adjustments to the layout as quite a few people commented on that fact it "didn't look right" and that the cover line wasn't as bovious as it should have been or close enough to the girl. Some people made sugegstions on where to move things which was helpful, so I will use this advice to move my sell lines as cover lines to places more appropriate. From my audience feedback I also found that some people thought the circle flash I had in the top right corner needed to be smaller as it was too intrusive and taking up space, so I am going to resize it which should improve my design. People said they liked the photograph I used and my masthead, so I am not going to make any changes to these.