Sunday 4 December 2011

Evaluation - 3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

My audience feedback was really useful. After completing my draft copies, I got people to write on post it notes and created a stop motion animation so I could easily view my results. My teaser trailer draft got good feedback,  people said they liked the interference/fuzzing effect, my titles and the night vision effect. They also said I edited it very well. I also got some negative feedback such as there needed to be more sound, it was too short, there was no green band or institutional references, there wasn't enough variety of shots and the shots cut too sharply between each other. Because of this feedback, I therefore decided to re-film and re-edit my teaser trailer, keeping the parts my audience said they liked. I wrote a new script and got some new sounds which I think really improved my final version of my teaser trailer. I added a green band and the Lionsgate logo sequence and also added a tense black screen at the start to introduce people to the trailer. I also used more variety of shots such as the still tripod shot at the start and the close up. I also added sound but not obvious music, like used in found footage style trailers. This worked really well and set a scary mood that I think really appeals to the horror genre. I felt this really made my trailer better, so I am glad for my audience feedback. My poster draft got good feedback but also some negative which made me make some changes that I felt really improved my poster. A lot of people mentioned that the full stop was too far away from RUN which I agreed with. This was because of the type face I used, so all I did was change the type face just for the full stop to something that still fitted but meant the spacing was much better on punctuation. This was a real improvement. A lot of people also mentioned I had no institutional logos or a rating, so I also added this and I feel this made my poster look more like a realistic product. My film magazine got positive feedback on the image and masthead, but a lot of people commented on the layout and size of the red circle flash. I therefore acted on this and changed the layout to what people had suggested when I gained my audience feedback, and I think this really improved my magazine cover. The cover line now looks like it actually goes with the cover image and because I made the circle smaller, I was able to add another sell line which I think made my magazine cover look a lot more exciting with a better layout. Some people also mentioned there was too little colour, but I didn't feel I needed to change this as I felt the colour scheme fitted really well with the image and suggested a horror theme issue. One person also said the image was blurry, which I agree with, but I also didn't because I felt it bought more focus to the hand and also created the effect of movement and disorientation because she is out of focus. I also gained some further audience feedback for my final version of my products. This time I gained better feedback which I was really happy with as I felt that my products were appealing to my target audience. A lot of people said there was nothing wrong with my final teaser trailer, but most people mentioned that the black screen at the start was too long and quiet. I agree with this point and I feel I should have made the start slightly shorter, but I wanted the whispering not to be completely heard as it leaves a sort of mystery. My audience said they really liked the editing and said it was entertaining to watch, which was what I was aiming for so I am very pleased with the further feedback. I got some excellent feedback for my poster. A lot of people said they liked the image and how it looked like a screenshot from the film, which is what I was aiming for. However now I added my institutional logos and rating, I think this made it look like it had too much text which people commented on. However when I was asking people they said it doesn't make too much difference and the design still works well. Some people also noticed this time that the website address was too big, which I completely agree with. If I were to create my poster again, I would definitely make it slightly smaller. For my final magazine cover I gained more good feedback and less negative, which meant I had improved my cover. People commented on things that I decided not to change after I gained my draft feedback which was the image was a bit blurry and there wasn't enough colour. However I still think these two things work, but that's just my opinion and maybe I should have paid attention to this in order to appeal fully to my target audience. Now I had added another sell line, people were also mentioning there was too much text and the masthead should be bigger, probably because it looked lost against all the sell lines which it didn't before. I don't think there's too much text but I definitely agree that the masthead is too small and if I were to create my magazine cover again, I would have made it bigger. However I gained positive feedback all of these things too, a lot of people said they liked the image, the sell lines and the masthead and felt it looked professional, so I feel I have achieved an appeal to my target audience. My audience feedback was really useful and it helped me make massive improvements, especially my teaser trailer. I really liked how I gathered research as it was an easy and clear way, yet it allowed me to use and develop my skills when creating a stop motion animation to display my results. I will definitely use this technique again as it allowed me to get clear feedback that I could easily look back over.

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