Friday 23 September 2011

Contact Sheet - Photographs for Magazine Cover

Here are the photos I took for my magazine cover. I took the images as planned in a location that I felt was suitable, which was the same location as where I filmed my trailer. I took the photos in the the dark corridor and used the flash on the camera meaning you could see her but nothing behind her. I used the fake blood I made on her hands and made her drag her hands along the floor to create the lines, as if she is getting dragged away and also appeal to the horror genre, which I felt worked well. I took the photo from a very low level. I laid on the floor so I could get the hand close to the camera as if it's reaching out, like I mentioned in my plans. Below I have circled the photographs I think work the best and are possibilities for my magazine cover.

Here is the photograph I chose to use for my magazine cover. I felt the composition worked best because of the way the hand is close to camera and the background is dark as if she is getting dragged away, like I planned. Her hand is in focus and she isn't meaning attention is draw to the hand and also suggests movement because if she wasn't being dragged away she would be in focus. I also felt her facial expression was best in this photo.

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