Saturday 24 September 2011

Making My Film Poster Draft

After making some minor adjustments to the brightness and contrast of the image to emphasize the shadows, I used the burn tool on the dark background to darken it even further. I wanted to make the image look very sinister and I felt by making this part of the image very dark I achieved this effect. 

I then went on to crop the image so to get rid of parts I didn't want and I also felt the image would look better if there wasn't so much wall. 

There was still part left on the image I didn't want, but I didn't want to crop the image any more. Therefore I selected a small area of the wall, copied it and moved it on to the part I didn't want in the image.

I then used the paintbrush tool in the same colour as the wall to blend in the copied section, therefore covering the area I didn't want.

I then felt that I wanted the hand to be lighter in order for it to stand out and also to make it look less human. I used the dodge tool to achieve this.

I then added text in the same way I planned. I added the titles from the trailer at the top of the poster and highlighted words I felt were striking in red to make them have more of an impact. I also added the film title, release date and film credits. I put the website in red in order for it to stand out and promote it.

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