Friday 23 September 2011

Contact Sheet - Photographs for Film Poster

Here are the photos I took for my film poster. I took the images as planned in a location that I felt was suitable, which was the same location as where I filmed my trailer. I tried to use lighting that gave the shadowy, dark effect I wanted I felt I achieved this quite well. I also experimented with the use of the fake blood on the hands, which worked quite well but I felt some of the other images without it worked better. In some of the first shots I thought I'd see what it looked like to take photographs of the hand reaching out from the industrial lift, or through the bars, but these didn't work very well. Below I have circled the photographs I think work the best and are possibilities for my film poster.
I chose this photograph because I really like how the shadows made the hand look strange. I also thought the composition was best and it looked most like my planned image.

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