Monday 14 November 2011

Organisation of New Equipment for Final Filming

I didn't feel the filming for my draft trailer was high quality enough, so for my final filming I am going to use a Panasonic HD handheld camera. I wanted to use a handheld camera for my trailer to create realism as this is the genre of my horror film, like the Blair Witch Project, Paranormal activity and so on.
I have also changed my script and the first shot requires a tripod. I wanted to use a good quality tripod that would give a good still shot and not fall over when I go to grab the camera (see final script). This is a photo of the tripod set up before filming

To edit my final trailer I am going to use Final Cut again as I felt this worked very well for my draft version

Again I am going to use this programme on my Mac

To create my final poster and magazine cover I am going to use Paint Shop Pro as this worked well for my draft versions

I am going to use this software on my Asus laptop again

Free Asus Laptop

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