Sunday 29 May 2011

Analysing Film Magazine Front Covers - Premiere

The layout of this magazine has a layout nearly always used on magazine covers. The masthead is at the top of the cover below a sell line, then the image is centred in the background taking up the majority of the page. The masthead takes up quite a lot of space at the top of the cover and is covering the top of the imagewhich usually happens, except some of the image is covering the masthead.The rest of the sell lines have been arranged down either side of the image in the blank space. They go down in a line and are very close together. They end at about the same point, which is at Spiderman's shoulders.  The cover line is fairly large and is centred at the near bottom of the cover. it has been placed so it spreads across his suit, as if it is part of the image, directley linking the two.

Sell Lines/Cover Lines
The sell lines are arranged around the image in this front cover. There is one sell line above the masthead which acts as a lure "2007 MUST-SEE MOVIE PREVIEW". This is telling the audience it's what everyone is reading and it has to be read as it's un-missable. The encourages them to buy the magazine, so they can read this 2007 preview. This sell line is in dark grey so it is visible against the light grey background, but doesn't distract away from the masthead. However it is fairly large so is still eye catching. The rest of the sell lines go down either side of Spiderman. At the top of each column is a bolder sell line in black and in the same type face, like it is a heading "OSCAR BONUS" on the left and "WHEN STARS COLLIDE". These are two things that would appeal to movie fanatics using words that would appeal to them "OSCAR" "STARS". Underneath "OSCAR BONUS" is the sell line carried on in the same type face and colour but smaller "Inside the year's great performances with". The words "inside" and "with" are highlighted because they are in blue, fitting in with the colour scheme as the same colour is also used for the masthead. "Inside" tells the audience this is inside the magazine, so they should buy is so they can read it. The "with" is highlighted so it fits in with the pattern of blue/black where the actors and actress's names are lsited, but also to to bring out the word to the audience if they saw it as a glimpse, telling them the magazine of with something. Respected actors and actress's names are then listed, with a pattern of colour blue/black, which I mentioned before. Under these names is "& Many More!" in a dark grey which encourages the audience even further because they want to find out who is "many more". This isn't wanted to stand out as much as the rest of the sell line because it is in dark grey, but it is a purposeful addition.

The masthead on this magazine is in a serif font that looks fairly formal and serious. This is perhaps because of the image the magazine is trying to create. The lettering is thinner than a lot of other mastheads, but is still large and bold compared to the other text on the page. The masthead is in a bright, light blue and the colour scheme of the colour is fitted around this. It also has a thin white outline which isnt visible against the background, but is on Spiderman, defining the masthead and making it "pop" out of the page.

The colour scheme of this cover consists of greys, white, black and the blue used for the masthead. This blue is also used for words that are wanted to stand out such "10 best" and also used to create variation in the sell lines, such as the listing of actors and actresses. Black works well because it stands out clearly against the plain background, making it easy to read as well as eye catching. I think the colour scheme used is slightly boring, but perhaps the magazine wants to create a sophisticated, serious image in which case the colour scheme works well.

There is only one image used on this front cover which is of Spiderman, used in relation to the cover line. It is a very direct image as he is looking straight out towards the audience, luring them towards the magazine. He has a stern expression; his eyebrows are low and his mouth is straight, telling the audience about his character and what sort of film Spiderman is. He is wearing the black suit which the audience identify as different from his normal suit, again intriguing them if they haven't already seen the trailer. The colour black suggests evil to the audience, which again draws their attention towards the image. The colour of his suit alos fits in well with the colour scheme. If he was wearing his normal suit the colour scheme would perhaps change to blue, white, grey and red rather than black. Spiderman doesn't have his mask on and although the audience have seen this before, it makes them wonder if he reveals his identity, but also allows the audience to see his facial expression which looks sinister, attracting them to the image. The image has very equal composition and is symetrical in the way he is perfectly straight on. Spiderman is usally seen moving, but here he is in a pose that looks very still, again drawing the audiecne towards the image, therefore making them want to read the article.

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