Wednesday 18 May 2011

Analysing Teaser Trailers - Spider Man 3

Camera angle, movement, position
 The first shot we see in the teaser trailer is a close up of spiderman's suit as the camera pans across it, revealing different areas. Although it may not be clear at first it is spiderman, it becomes more obvious as more is revealed. Some titles appear as the camera continues to pan across, and then a black elasticated substance crawls on screen and spreads acroos the suit. The camera then pans across to show the spiderman suit logo, but black, which gives a real sense of foreboding. The camera then zooms out and we see spiderman sitting on a ledge on a tall building. The camera continues to zoom out and tilt round slightly as spiderman moves in a sinister was to look at the camera. It then cuts to the very low angle shot of spiderman jumping down from the building and on to the camera, which suggests attack. There is then a few shots that fade in and out from each other showing Peter, Mary-Jane and some other characters. We also see Peter laying in bed and then a closeup of the black substance crawling on to his hand. There is then a series of very short shots from the movie that flick quickly between each other. The first few of these shots are of spiderman trying to rip of his suit. A sense of panic, action and excitement is created because of how quickly the shots cut between each other. There is a variety of angles and shots at this point, varying from high angle shots like the man looking up, eye level medium shots like of Mary-jane, close-ups of the black substance crawling on to spiderman's hand and so on. One shot I found particularly interesting was a clip in slow motion with a shallow focus as Peter almost floats in mid-air trying to grab an engagement ring. There a quite a few of these dramatic shots which really drag in the audience. Some new characters and villans are also introduced such as the sand man whcih encourages the audeince to watch the film. Between these fast cuts, there is also just blank frames showing titles where the camera pans slightly, keeping a constant sense of action. After these series of shots, we see a medium close up shot of spiderman's face, but his suit is black. The camera slowly rotates and zooms out so show him hanging upside down and looking at his reflection in a building window, but his reflection is his normal self. The way the camera is angled at this point shows this effect clearly, which really creates a scary, dark feel for the audience. This then cuts to a closeup of spiderman's chest where his suit is black and the spiderman logo is a "3". This tells the audience clearly what the movie is and because the previous movies are well known, they have no need to include the movie title, just the number. There is then just a shot showing the release date, website and institution references.

The non-diegetic music that opens the trailer is quiet, orchestra music which sounds quite sinister. A loud, low non-diegetic drum then starts beating slowly which builds tension. The music and drums then continue as the camera zooms out to reveal spiderman in his black suit. There is diegetic sound effects of rain and lighting here which creates a sort of realism and also adds to the drama.The music stops suddenly, then there is a sort of screeching diegetic sound as spiderman lunges down on to the camera, which adds to the fear that is trying to be created. The beating of the drum then starts again, and the shots change simultaneously with each beat. This creates a very dramatic effect and the use of silence apart from the drums again builds tension. There is also a non-diegetic short screech of violins as we see the black substance cover spider man's hand. Whilst we see these fading in and out shots, we hear some non-diegtic dialogue from the film. We hear Mary-Jane's voice say "what's happening to you?" then Peter "I don't know...but I have to stop it" which suggests some of the storyline to the audience and gives a really dramatic effect. The music then starts again and as the shots get more and more dramatic, the music gets louder and faster. The tension keeps building along with the drama until it reaches optimum point then suddenly cuts to the medium closeup of his face. The music stops abruptley and all the audience hear is a quiet non-diegetic interference/screeching sound. This sound makes this part very intense and gives the part a very dark, sinister feel. The idea of an intereference sound also suggests confusion and that he is not alone. There is then one last drum beat to change to the close-up of "3" on his suit. The interference sound effect is then replaced by a non-diegetic quite drone which continues through to where the release date and website is shown.

Mise en Scene
Mise en Scene is used to create a sense of evil and darkness throughout the teaser trailer. At the beggining of the trailer we see spiderman's suit which immediatley suggests to us a hero and the "good guy" in the film. Because the audience first identifies spiderman in this way , the effect of the black substance over taking the suit is made ever more shocking. As the camera zooms out to reveal spiderman sat on the ledge, we can see his ledgendary suit is completely black, which juxtaposes to the original colour. It immediatley tells the audienc that something is wrong. The colour black is often related to evil within movies, so spiderman is represented in a dark way. There is use of pathetic fallacy with the thunder and lighting, which suggests a certain mood and also makes spiderman appear even more evil. Behind him we can see a city, which shows the audience where the film is set but is also familiar to spiderman fans as they knows this is where he is in all the movies. In the previous spiderman films the city is portrayed in a more positive light, so spiderman fans will be able to see the difference in not only spiderman, but the darkness that has also overtaken the city. Throughout the fast cutting shots mise en scene is used mostly to represent characters. Mary-Jane looks beautiful and innocent in the shots she is shown in and is often in warm light which portrays her as the good in the movie and the cliche female who is constantly being saved in superhero movies. Peter is represented in two different ways. There is parts where he is wearing his normal clothing and he looks inncoent, but there is a short shot where he is wearing dark clothing, no glasses and is tilting a woman backwards, leaning in to kiss her. This immediatley makes the audience aware he is different in this shot which makes them think back to the shot of him in the black suit. The ring prop that is used in the shot I previosuly mentioned suggests to the audience he was going, or did, propose to Mary-jane and something went wrong as he desperatley reaches for the ring in mid air. Because he is falling from obviously high up, the audience wonder why he isnt in his spiderman suit and so lots of questions come in to their head about the story line.

The editing of the teaser trailer is used to create panic, drama, action and to build tension. The most important part of the editing seems to be the way the shots cut sharply between each other quickly, which makes the advert very intense and suggests the film is action packed. It also allows more of the film to be included in the teaser trailer without giving too much away. The way the titles appear across spiderman's suit in the beggining is particularly effective as it links the two together. I thought this was a clever way to show ttiles. Short titles are also shown between clips so they dont have to be shown to long but can be read. By not having them  on the actual clips they stand out and are very easy to read. They also drag the audience in and start to give away some hints about what will happen in the film.

The main narrative running through the teaser trailer is evil overpowering spiderman. This is shown through the mise en scene and the suggestion from the titles. There is also suggestions that Mary-Jane and Peter fall out of love, as in parts we see his friend talking to her, paired with a reaction shot of Peter. We also see Peter throw the other woman back and lean in to kiss her, and then a reaction shot of Mary-Jane. However there is also a shot of Mary-Jane and Peter kissing in a web, which adds a twist in to the audience on what will actually happen.

Character representations
Spider man is represented as both good and evil in this trailer. We see him as a good character when he is wearing his normal clothes and Spider Man suit, but he is represented as a bad character when he is in his black suit. A idea of multi-personality is definitely portrayed through the different ways Spider Man is represented. Mary-Jane is represented as the innocent woman who always needs saving as in most of the shots she looks afraid or upset. There is also some representation of the other bad characters, such as sandman. The was the villain flings out at spider man, we can tell the role he plays within the film. Peter's friend seems to also be a sort of villain or someone who creates a complication in  the film, as in the first shot we see him in he looks very smug and is looking down as the camera in a slightly low angled shot. He is also sat with Mary-Jane looking very loving, so the audience who know the story will know Peter loves Mary-Jane and this is a complication.

The first titles appear when the camera pans across spider man's suit. The titles are in a very bold, metallic looking font which can be identified as the usual font used for spider man titles. The words move in to the frame as the camera moves across. They cast a shadow on his suit, so it is as if they are actually in the shot. The way the sentence appears gradually creates suspense. The first titles is "how long..." and then "can any man fight the darkness..." and then at this point the black substance comes in to frame and clings to his suit. The use of ellipsis' suggests to the audience the sentence isn't finished and they need to keep watching to find out what happens next. The next title that appears is "before he finds it in himself" and then the camera moves to reveal the spider man logo on his chest, which may shock the audience if they didn't realise before it was spider man. The sequence of flashing shots then starts, and between some titles appear. They appear just on a black background with a sort of light flash. The same bold, metallic font is used for each title. The titles appear first with "next summer" to tell the audience when to look out for the film, then "the greatest battle" to suggest to the audience it is the best spider man film yet. The next title is "lies" which acts in two ways. It is part of the sentence that is gradually being shown, but also relates to the over the shoulder shots of Mary-Jane and Peter's friend which is shown shortly after. The next title is "within" which is where the music cuts out and the audience is shown the long moving shot of the spider man in the black suit looking at the reflection of his normal self. This makes the audience ask a lot of questions and suggests that part of the story is the battle of spider man against his evil side. The final title is the release date "may 4th" so it is the last thing the audience will remember after they have been encouraged to go and see the film.

Institutional references and logos
The only institutional references are in the end shot where the release date is shown. Underneath the release date is the official website for the film, which encourages people to find out more information. There is also institutional references for Marvel and Columbia pictures, their logos shown in the corners of the frame. There is also a short sentence in smaller text saying "this film has not yet been rated. For future info go to". This is a reference directly to this film rating website.

Number of shots
There is many shots in this teaser trailer. At the beginning there is one long moving shot over spideman's suit which then zooms out, followed by another shot of him jumping down. There is then a long sequence of short shots flashing between each other and I counted approximately 45. After this sequence there is another long moving shot that starts on spider-man's face and then zooms out and rotates. There is then two more shots, one of a close up of "3" on his chest and another just showing the release date and institutions.

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