Monday 30 May 2011

Analysing Film Magazine Front Covers - Empire

The layout of this cover is particularly crowded. There is quite a lot of images and text but the layout of the cover means it is easy to read as well as interesting. The masthead has been placed at the top of the cover underneath a sell line "our best preview issue ever!" It is quite large and bold but it being covered slightly by Harry Potter which is often used on magazines. The date of the issue and price have been placed in the dip of the M in a shape to fit. Harry Potter has been centred and then other smaller images of characters have been incorporated in to the main image in the shattered glass. The cover line has been positioned slightly off centre to fit in top of Harry Potter which means it is not covering anything important. Next to Harry's shoulder the name of the film the image is for has been placed. Next to his other shoulder there is two sell lines in a blank space. There is also a flash along the bottom part of the cover including another sell line. The bar code has been placed just above this to the right, on it's side so it is not covering the images.

Sell Lines/Cover Lines
This cover has quite a few bold sell lines and a very bold cover line. The sell line above the masthead is in a very bold type face which makes it pop out from the page. It has been coloured a light grey which means it is visible against the dark background but fits in to the colour scheme. "Preview Issue" has been put in yellow to make it stand out against the rest of the text and highlight the words to the audience. This attracts the audience because it is what they will want to read if they are film fans. It means the words will stand out the most even just at a glance, luring them towards the magazine. There are some more sell lines down the right hand side of the page. They are under a "plus!" in yellow in a grey box (fitting in to the colour scheme) therefore making the audience think there is a lot included in the issue. These sell lines are under very bold heading in light grey again, "heros" and "legends" which would appeal to film fanatics and draw them towards the magazine. Some names of new films relating to these heading have then been put with exclamation points "green lantern!" to make them read in a more exciteable way. These names of movies draw the audience's attention towards it as they are short but noticable. There is also a flash as the bottom of the magazine cover featuring more sell lines. In the circle at the edge there is a large number 10 in white bold type face against the grey flash, still fitting in with the colour scheme. There is then the sell line following on "must see movie exclusives!" The used of a number shows the mass of the information, luring the audience in, and then the "move exclusives" is something that would definitley appeal to film fans. There is then a row of new movie names in a pattern of yellow then white. At the end of this there is "and more!" which encourages the reader to see what else there is, and suggests the magazine is packed full of films for them to read about. The cover line is extremely noticable on this cover due to the size and where it has been positioned. The sell lines has been placed on the main image of Harry Potter and is only just off centre, making it particularly attention grabbing. It is also in a very large, bold type face "POTTER 7" with dramatic text around it. The use of "potter" is language that would appeal to film fanatics because it is slang that Harry Potter fans would use for the film. The text above this makes the film, and the magazine for that fact, very exciting and dramatic "Friendships shatter. Evil unites." This would make fans very excited about the film and therefore want to read about it in the magazine. There is then larger yellow text below "The end begins" which again has the same effect, makes fans exciting making them want to read about the film in the magazine.

The masthead is large and striking on this cover. It is in red, it's usual colour, but it means it stands out from the colour scheme and therefore standing out of the cover. Part of the masthead has been covered by Harry Potter's head which is usually done magazine covers. The colour red of the masthead relates to the red in classic cinemas, supporting the genre of the magazine. The type face is also similar to cinema type faces again fitting in well with the film genre of the magazine. Here are some images to illustrate my point:
The colour scheme of this cover consists of grey, white and yellow. The grey and white, especially the grey, fit well with the dark colours in the image but it still means the text stands out and is readable. Yellow has been used to highlight certain words and I think perhaps is suggesting flashes of light like from a wand, therefore fitting in with the image. The masthead is in it's usual colour of red, and as I mentioned before it doesnt fit in with the colour scheme meaning it stands out. I also mentioned how it suggests cinema interiors where red is often used.

The image on this cover is more of a montage of images. The main image is of Harry Potter smashing through glash and then in the shards there are smaller images of the other main characters, which I think is a really nice way of incorporating them in. The way Harry is poitning out his wand looks as if he is coming out of the page, as well as the glass that is flying out. This attracts the audience because of the way it looks like things are coming out towards them and makes them feel part of the image. Harry Potter is also looking straight out it very direct towards the audience, therefore capturing their attention. I think the image is extremely successful in this cover because of all there aspects and makes the cover look very interesting.

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