Tuesday 24 May 2011

Analysing Film Posters - Toy Story 3

The characters are centred in this poster and take up most of the room. The has been positioned around them and placed at the top and the bottom so the audience looks at all of the poster. The title of the film is placed exactly under woody's feet and the release date and disney digital 3D are on either side, which gives good balance to the poster. Because the film titles is placed under Woody's feet, it is clearly linked with the image. The audience is drawn to the image, but then they see the title underneath so they know what the film is.

The colours are bright in this poster and there is a wide variety. This is because it is mostly aimed at children, so colours have been selected that would appeal to children and the film's genre. These colours make the film look fun, but paired with the image a dilema is suggested. By the colours being very bold it is likely to draw in attention. These colours also link in very well with the characters and creates a sort of realism as toys are brightly coloured in real life.

The image for this posters is quite crowded but it is interesting to look at all the different characters expressions and stances. They all seem to have come out of a box and the audience can see they are not in Andy's room, where they would usually place them. This suggests a small amount of the plot and that the toys have ended up somewhere where they are afraid of, because of their expressions. But from the background the place doesnt look scary, so the audience wants to know what they are so afraid of. Woody is stood at the front of all the characters, suggesting he is the main character in this film and that he is the leader of the group. However he clearly looks scared and worried because he is positioned in a comical stance where his feet are turned, knees together, arms close to his side and his hands spread out as if he is frozen. Buzz is in a very protective pose as he has his arms in front of the other toys as if to protect them. he looks very cautious and worried. All the other characters look scared or shocked but are all looking out as if to get a better look. The aliens look as if they are saying their catch phrase "ooo" so the audience can put this image with a sound, therefore making it more appealing. The image is at a slightly low angle which is interesting because you would think they wopuld be scared of something bigger then them, but they seem to be looking at something that is lower. This again intrigues the audience because they wonder what it could be that they are so scared of.
The tag lines at the top of the poster are in a bold, sans serif type face which is clear and easy to read. This appeals to it's audience as it is something mother's in a rush can read easily and some older children. However the film really appeals to everyone, so by using this type face it makes it suitable for everyone and for the film genre. The refernces to other films is in smaller text, but the "breakout comedy of the year" is much larger so it draws attention to it. This text is white so it stands out clearly but also has a slight shadow which makes it stand out even more. By stating that the film is the "breakout comedy of the year" it suggests that it is a must see and is funnier then any other comedy that will be bought out that year. The word "breakout" suggests it is highering standards and that it will be different to other comedies. By also telling the audience it is from the creators of two other succesful fiolms, it will encourage them to watch it if they enjoyed them. The logo for toy story 3 is also quite large and uses the iconic Toy Story type face. Bold colours have been used here that really stand out and because the logo is recognisable, it draws attention to itself easily. There is also two institutional references in each bottom corner, also in white. The exact release date is not actually given, just 2010. This poster was probably bought out quite a bit before the actual release date before one was decided, but it also builds anticipation and tells the audience when to look out for it in cinemas.

Institutional References
At the top of the of the poster there is a reference to succesful films from the creators of Toy Story. These films were bought out before Toy Story 3 and are well-known and popular, so this encourages the audience to see Toy Story 3 if they liked Finding Nemo and Up. The logos for these two films have been used, so the audience can easily identify them. In the bottom left corner there is a reference to Disney Digital 3D which tells the audience the film will be available to watch in 3D, which is becoming increasingly popular. This encourages the audience to watch the film as they will be able to view it in 3D, but it will also appeal to an audience who saw the older Toy Story 1 and 2 as they will be able to see their favourite characters in a whole new way. Above the Toy Story 3 logo there is also two institutional logos for Disney and Pixar which will appeal to the audience because these are succesful and recognisable institutions.

The mise-en-scene of this poster sets the scene for the upcoming film. Although the characters look very frightened, the background seems to be friendly as there are bright colours and toys. This contrasts with the characters expressions and makes the audience wonder what they are actual scared of. the background suggests they are definitley somewhere to do with children, and as we find out in the fiolm they are in a play school. We can see that they have all come out of a box so the audience know they have ended up somewhere away from Andy's Room, but they want to know how and why they are there. The characters are all in their identifiable clothing so the audience recognises them in the same way as the other previous films. The room they are in is brightly lit, so it suggests that again the film is fun and light-hearted. Everything is rounded in the poster, there are no sharp, jagged shapes. This suggests the film is friendly and suited to everyone.

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