Tuesday 24 May 2011

Analysing Teaser Trailers - Toy Story 3

Camera angle, movement, position
The teaser starts with a very low level shot, as if the camera is actually placed on the floor. This shows just how small the army men are as they come down the skipping roap, making them identifiable to the audience as toys. Woody's feet then move on frame, which again shows how small the army men are, but also excites the audience as they know who the character is but cannot yet see his face. The shot then cuts to a long shot but still at a very low level. The camera stays in a still shot as characters move on and off frame. By each character moving on it builds excitement for the audience as they see more and more characters they recognise. After every character has moved on and off with different objects and toy, the shot cuts sharply to a long shot, revealing the display of "toy story 3" that they have made. The camera stays still for a few moments as Woody admires the work when suddenly Buzz moves on frame and bumps in to Woody. After the characters have a short conversation on where Buzz has been, the camera tracks right again and zooms out slightly to reveal Buzz's display next to Woody's. This is funny for the audience as they can see Buzz's display is much better compared to Woody's. From this shot the audience can also see the characters run away from Woody's display and over to Buzz, the thing completely collapsing, which again adds humour. The camera continues to stay still as Woody says "pfft, atleast ours had lights" and at that moment Buzz presses a button which makes the room dark and his whole display lights up, which is funny to the audience. Woody then kicks his set of lights that are now on the floor and then as he gets electricuted the frame flickers and turns black. The shot remains black until Woody and Buzz mover back on frame, slightly closer this time and beggin to display out "In cinemas 2010" with the magnetic letters. Woody then moves off frame, but Buzz stays on and sneakily presses a button on his wrist to make a better title drop down over Woody's. This is amusing to the audience. Buzz then moves off frame and some institutional references appear.

The advert starts with non-diegetic happy guitar music, just chords as some institutional references appear at the beggining of the teaser. The music then gets slightly lowder and more complex, but not faster, as we see the first shot of the skipping rope.The next sound we hear on the teaser is the diegetic sound of the army men shouting. The sound starts when they are off screen and continues until they are down on the ground. The audience then hears the diegetic sound of Woody's boots as they move on to frame and his voice, even though we cannot see him yet. This builds suspense for the audience as they recognise the voice but cannot yet see the character. The music continues as the teaser cuts to the next shot. As the characters move on and off frame alot of comical diegetic sound effects are used. This shows the audience that they are clearly toys. For example, the squeeking sound the aliens make as they move past and the exaggerated "boing!" sound that is made from the pogo stick. In a way, this creates a sort of realism because the toys are moving sounds as they move around that they would usually make when playing with them. However, it is mostly to make it clear that they are toys and create a fun, comical theme to the teaser. The characters voices are also very recognisable, which makes the advert very entertaining as the audience is likely to remember these characters. Each character has their own individual voice or sound as they move past, which stops the audience from getting bored as they wait and listen for them next character to move on frame. As Buzz's display is revealed, dietgetic sound effects are used to add humour. There is sounds such as a crash and the ball squeeking as Woody's display falls which makes it funny because Buzz's diplay stands on it's own. The characters all talk over each other in excitement as the run towards Buzz's display. The aliens then make their recognisable "ooo" sound which is also funny to the audience. There is more over-exaggerated diegetic sound effects where Buzz presses a button and his display lights up with a loud humming sound, as if a huge amount of power is being used. As Woody gets eletricuted a comical and over-exaggerated sound is used to make this moment funny. When Buzz and Woody move back on screen and Woody puts up the magnetic letters, a diegetic click sound is used as each one is put up. As Woody moves off frame we hear his voice fade as if he is moving away. Another exaggerated diegetic sound is used when Buzz's title falls onto Woody's again to add humour. The audience then hears Woody shout from off screen "I saw that!" which makes the moment even funnier.

Mise en Scene
In the first shot, the audience can immediatley tell this is a happy film. This is because the colours and lighting are bright and bold, which suggests a fun theme. We can also see the skirting board, floor boards and wallpaper, which tells the audience the camera is very low. The clouds on the wallpaper also suggest this is a child's room. As the characters move on and off frame, we can clearly see they are toys. This is because of the clothes they are wearing, the shapes of them, the bright colours, the textures such as shiny plastic and so on. For example, we can definatley see the army men are toys because their arms and legs don't move, they just move side to side like how a child would move them. They are also completely green and the shape makes them recognisable as toys. We can also see this in characters such as Mr and Mrs Potato. We can see they are toys because of their shape and also how their body parts pop out. By using mise en scene to show clearly the characters are toys, the things they do are amusing as the audience is given an oppertunity to see how toys act if they were to come to life.

This entire teaser trailer has been animated, so it has all been edited in perhaps a slightly different way to other teaser trailers. For example some teaser trailers use footage from the movie, like in Spider Man 3 where the shots flick through quickly. But this teaser trailer has been entirely created just to be a teaser trailer. It has no footage included in the film, as to why it has been edited to the effect of a short film rather than a typical trailer. The film has been edited in a way to re-introduce the characters mostly through shots and sound effects, and to incorporate the name "Toy Story 3" and other titles in to the teaser trailer.

The narrative of the actual film isn't given away atall in this teaser trailer. This trailer isn't part of the film, it has just been created to introduce the audience back to the characters and to build suspense for when the film is released. No parts of the film are used, it has been created completely seperatley. Because it is the third sequal and most people have seen Toy Story 1 and 2, the advert builds excitement because they recognise and know the characters, so they will find the advert funny. The narrative of this teaser is that Woody leads the other toys in order to build a display out of other toys to show the Toy Story 3 logo. However, when Buzz appears he has a much better display which looks exactly like the Toy Story 3 logo and lights up boldy. Woody is jealous and annoyed but it is still light hearted and portrayed in a funny way.

Character representations
There are some very definate character representations throughout the advert. The first representation is of the army men is quite stereotyped at they all move together down the skipping roap shouting "hup hup hup". They are represented as trained and controlled, but it is made funny because they are very small toys. The other toys are represented in their own ways as they move on and off screen, but because they are not the main characters they are not a strongly represented as Woody and Buzz. The characters that did seem to be represented more than the others were Mr and Mrs Potato head. They were portrayed as a typical married couple in the way Mrs Potato head shouts as him to go faster, and then Mr Potato complains he's put his back out, which literally happens. The way they argue is funny to the audience because it is recognisable, but made light hearted because they are clearly toys. Woody is represented as a good leader in the way he stands confidently with his hands on his hips. he directs all the other toys around, but in a friendly way and laughs as he does so, so we can tell that all the other characters like him. Because he is a cowboy, he is a stereotypical hero, especially to a child. However there is clearly some competition as a leader between Woody and Buzz, but not seriosuly. Buzz is a spaceman, so is also a stereotypical hero, but he seems to do everything better than Woody. Unlike Woody, he created the display on his own where as Woody got everyone involved, so it perhaps suggests Buzz is slightly self absorbed. Buzz stands proudly as he shows off his display and because all the toys quickly move over to him and away from Woody, it shows they are easily lead and are flicking between their two competitive leaders. It seems Woody and Buzz are competing to be best, and that Woody is very jealous. However we can see the two characters are still friends as they come back on screen together and Woody, quite grumpily, puts up the release time. Buzz speaks to him in a patronising way, but is also quite encouraging as when Woody has finished he says "couldn't have done it better myself". However, after Woody goes off screen and Buzz thinks he has gone, he drops down his better version over Woody's. This again shows that Buzz likes to be better, but also didn't want to offend his friend.

This teaser trailer doesn't really have that many titles. The main title of "toy story 3" have cleverly been incorporated in to the teaser and the narrative has been based around it. Because the toys are creating the title, and then the sotry continues so that Buzz creates a better one, the audience remember it very well as they not only see it twice, but it is what the narrative of the teaser is based around. The next title is also incorporated in to the teaser as Woody puts it up, then Buzz drops down a better one. By doing this the audience remember it more and will keep it in their heads that that film comes out in 2010.

Institutional references and logos
There are two institution references right at the beginning of the teaser. The first one is Walt Disney pictures with a short clip of a light shooting over the trademark Disney castle. Then there is the Pixar logo with the trademark lamp turning and facing the audience. When the release date is shown at the end, the Disney 3D logo is also included which may also encourage the audience to come and see the film because they can see it in 3D. There is also copyright to Disney in small print at the bottom.

Number of shots
There are just 6 shots in this teaser, including the institutional references at the beginning. This teaser trailer has very few shots especially compared to some other teasers which have lots of very short glimpses at parts of the film. However, this advert has been made in the style of more of a short film. It doesn't include any actual footage from the film, it has been made independently from film just to act as a teaser trailer. A sense a fluency is created due to the fact there is not many different changing shots and that time is passing as normal.

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