Monday 15 August 2011

Organisation of Sounds

Here are the sounds I have chosen for my teaser trailer and below each one I have explained how I will fit them in to my script.

These two sound effects will be played together over my titles to support the fuzzing effect. I feel they are appropriate as they are not too intrusive or annoying like some static sound but will still get the point across that I am trying to achieve. 

I found these police radio sounds when looking for the interference sound effects. I didn't mention these in my script but I felt they would really work well and appeal to the found footage genre. They also suggest that that something bad has happened which means that they will fit in really well with the themes.

This scream will be the first scream after we see the silhouette and the shot cuts to black. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but I like how it is very striking and echoes, so I think it should give a good effect.

These two screams will be overlapped after the first scream. They are supposed to be the other girl and the boy screaming as the creature attacks them all. I felt these screams were most realistic out of all the ones I researched so I'm happy with them.

This scream will also be overlapped with the others and be the last one that continues to the end. I felt it was also realistic and horrifying so I think it will fit well in to my teaser trailer. I am going to cut out the door squeaking at the beginning as I don't need this part.

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