Wednesday 17 August 2011

Reflection on Planning Process

I feel that my planning process has been particularly effective. It has allowed me to organise my ideas and set out what I think will work best for my teaser trailer, poster and magazine cover. I came up with detailed plans for my teaser trailer and I felt the parts that were most useful was the film treatment, script and storyboard. This was because it made me think about my film past just the trailer, and also made me think about how I was going to film, what  I wanted my actors to says and do, and how i was going to edit my trailer. For my magazine and poster plans I drafted what sort of images I wanted which gave me an idea of what I wanted to shoot and also allowed me to plan what I would need. I also came up with layout plans which I think really helped me to think about my image composition for when I take photographs because I need to leave enough space for the masthead, cover line and sell lines. The organisation of my location allowed me to choose perfect places to film that fit with the script. By looking at my location in advance, I could think about what I wanted to do and how to get around obstacles, meaning I'm now organised to film. The organisation of costumes I did in advance, but I feel I should have thought about this more. However I do think they're suitable and want to see how they look in my draft filming first. The organisation of props was very important as I need to see how to make the fake blood and get it to look right for my images. I was just going to use ketchup, but I found this wasn't red enough and too gloopy so I added red food colouring. If I hadn't planned this before it would have been a problem on the day of filming. The organisation of my actors allowed me to choose suitable people for the parts, but what was most helpful was the test shots. This allowed me to see if the actors looked right on the screen, but also if my planned shots worked correctley.

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