Thursday 16 June 2011

Film Treatment

A group of friends decide to travel to the abandoned town of Greenwich in search of adventure and a trip that's "something different". The ghost town has not been inhabited nor visited for over ten years and rumours have spread that it was used for medical research, which went seriously wrong.

The friends arrive in Greenwich to find nothing but smashed windows and empty buildings. As they walk around the town in exploration, they record every part. However, they soon find some disturbing images, which convinces one of the girls, Cathy, that staying here is not a good idea. She storms back to the car as her friends beg her to stay, and to make a point she attempts to start the engine, but nothing happens. They find that inside the bonnet leads have been cut, meaning they are unable to travel back home. Panicked now, they attempt to make phone calls, but find none of them have any signal. All they are left with is their short supply of food, camping equipment and their camera with no way of getting home. They are forced to stay.

Within the first night they start hearing strange noises and some of them are sure someone is lurking outisde. Tom assures them it's nothing, but goes outside with just a torch to check even though Cathy and the others tell him it is not a good idea. Joan films from inside the tent as Tom peers around with the torch outside. He walks off in to the darkness and is gone for a few moments, his friends beg him to come back and stop messing around. To their suprise Tom suddenly jumps in front of the tent to scare them. He laughs and tells them there was nothing there and that it was just an animal. As he starts to climb back in, he is suddenly grabbed and pulled out of the tent. We hear his screams fade in to the distance rapidly. The friends run outside with the camera and shout his name out in to the darkness, but no one is to be seen. They now realise they are not alone.

The friends continue through the night attempting to find Tommy and a pay phone to call the police, but they have no sucess. All they find is more disturbing evidence that medical experiments did occur. They move together through various buildings, shadows and silhoutettes moving quickly past doors and at the ends of corridors. They also here things crawling through the air ducts. The audience don't see what is causing these noises, just the silhouettes that stand in the distance, waiting. The things appear to have a sort of human shape, but they way they stand and move is something different. The friends eventually come to the conclusion that the rumours of medical research had actually been conducted on the people of the remote town. Disgusted by the inhumanity, they also wonder if these people are still here.

The friends eventually find themselves at a large, run-down building which seems to be the medical research centre. They walk around the building quietley and become deeply disturbed by the sights of blood stained hospital beds and walls covered in hand prints. Soon they come across an office where they find video tapes of the experiments and an explanation of the progress from a professor. They find that medical cures were being tested on the people in the remote town and that some had started to have extremely aggressive behavior and strange mutations. Shocked by what they have seen they become panicked as they realise what has been following them.

When they start to hear the strange noises they run in an attempt to escape the building, but the creatures seem to be everywhere. Realising there is no escape, they wait in silence hoping they will not be found. But suddenly a silhouette appears in the at the end of the hallway. It walks slowly looking around, but doesn't seem to see them. They wait in anticipation, but when the creature steps closer, they see that it resembles their lost friend Tom. The other boy, Jason, realises this and says to the others "Is that Tom?" Thinking he must be disorientated from the way he is walking, they call for him quietly to join them. Tom looks up suddenly and the audience can now see he has become one of the creatures. This is the first time the audience sees what they look like, leaving their imagination open to the appearance of the rest. He screeches and runs towards them. The other three fumble with the camera and scream to run. The camera is dropped to the floor so the audience can only see the wall as the screams continue until there is finally a silence. We then here footsteps and a something dragging along the floor. The noises get louder until we see Tom's bare feet move past the camera, dragging an almost dead Cathy by her foot. They move off screen and the footsteps and dragging fade in to silence. Suddenly Tom's monster face appears in front of the camera and makes the same screeching sound, the camera cuts to black and the film ends.

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