Saturday 11 June 2011

Research in to Soundtracks - Insidious

The soundtrack opens with the quiet screeching of violins often used in horror soundtracks. Piano music is over this, but the notes are random and strange which creates a disorientation effect that is disturbing. More violin sounds are added and strange echoing. This random combination of sounds is very strange together as it is so organised and suggests many things are coming towards us. Suddenly this quietens down and there is just screeching of the violins which gets gradually louder which is very effective building tension. They suddenly stops then they move up and down in pitch which is very strange. The strings are then plucked which makes it sound incredibly disturbing as they are not nice sounds to listen to. The violins then overlap each other going down the scale, the screeching sounds horrible which is really appealing to the horror genre. There is a very quiet low humming of a cello or violin which is ominous and threatening. The soundtrack ends with the keys being slammed down on a the piano. The random notes on the piano and combination of sounds makes me think of ghosts or spirits of some sort in horror films touching things and making sounds in the house which really appeals to the horror genre. I think this music works really well and the only fault I could say is that it is perhaps too random for some parts of the film, but other soundtracks are used for appropriate parts so I don't feel this is a problem.

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