Saturday 11 June 2011

Reflection on Further Research

From my further research I feel I have really gained an insight in to the specific horror genre I have chosen for my teaser trailer. I have learned about the codes and conventions as well as gaining inspiration from the teaser trailers and posters I analysed.

Research in to Horror Genre/Handheld Camera Technique/Found Footage Genre
This really helped me to learn about the horror genre in detail, as well as the more specific area of the horror genre which I will be using for my teaser trailer. Looking in to horror films allowed me to see the codes and conventions which I found interesting. I learnt that the aim is to disturb and scare the audience and there is always a protagonist against a single or group of protagonists. It also allowed me to look in to what sort of protagonists there are in horror, such as ghosts, demons, monsters, serial killers and so on. My research in to the handheld camera technique allowed me to understand how this genre was created and what the codes and conventions were. I now understand what I have to do in order for people to identify my film as using a hand held camera technique. Research in to the found footage genre was particularly helpful. It allowed me to clearly understand the codes and conventions of this sub genre which I can now use or challenge in my teaser trailer. I also found a useful list of found footage style films, mostly horror but also some that weren't. By looking at this list I could look at these films and look at the plot lines in order to gain inspiration. I chose my favourites to analyse the teaser trailers and posters.

Research in to Found Footage Horror Films
This was really helpful towards my further development of my teaser trailer and poster. I thoroughly analysed each film including the director, writers, release date, plot, screen shots, poster and teaser trailer. It allowed me to understand even further the codes and conventions of this genre as well as gain inspiration, especially from the REC teaser trailer which gave me a variety of ideas. By doing this further research in to genre specific films, I could easily see things to could include and do to appeal to the genre, as well as challenge it. I liked all of the teaser trailers and poster, but I particularly liked The Blair Witch Project teaser trailer, The Tunnel teaser trailer and especially the REC teaser trailer and posters. The Paranormal Activity teaser trailer was very different to any other I have seen, but I think it was effective in the way they showed real people's reactions, making the film seem really terrifying. However, I want to create my teaser trailer more like the REC trailer because I thought it worked the best out of all the teaser trailers I research in to. I also think it has really effective posters by using screen shots from the film as the image, although I noticed that all the posters did this but I felt the REC and Quarantine posters were most effective.

Research in to Horror Soundtracks
This research really helped me to think about what sort of sounds I would use in my teaser trailer. I thought all of these soundtracks were very effective for the films they were used in, but I don't think any of this music would be suitable for my teaser trailer. Because it is found footage genre, I found from my further research in to these genre of teaser trailers that they didn't really use music. Therefore I don't think I need to have a particlar soundtrack as the whole aim is to create realism. However I find it useful to think about why these soundtracks made the film scary and the Insidious soundtrack was good to look at as the mess of random sounds could actually work for my teaser trailer.

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