Wednesday 1 June 2011

Reflection on Target Market Research

From this I gained some very useful information. It allowed me to see what appeals to my audience as well as how they view films, what magazines they read, what sources they use on and internet and so on. It also allowed me to see what were the most popular trailers, magazines, websites and posters, meaning I can take inspiration from these to make my products appeal to the audience. For example, I found that a lot of people mentioned they liked the Cloverfield teaser trailer because they felt it was very effective. I am therefore going to take ideas and inspiration from this trailer to use for my teaser trailer. The way I displayed my results was also very helpful as I could clearly see what information I have gained, especially from pie charts where I could see what was the largest sector for a particular answer.

Find Your Tribe
This was helpful on learning what "tribe" my target market fit in to, which is actually the most popular in the UK. However it isn't outside of the UK so I will also need to make it appeal to other tribes if I were to distribute my film in order for it to be successful. It was interesting to see what determines a certain "tribe" and all the different questions that were asked which helped me to think about what my target audience enjoy and are interested in.

My Audience
I have decided to aim my teaser trailer at 15- 20 year olds, mostly males but also females. From my research in to the most popular audience for horror genre I found that it was this age range and that it was mostly males that were interested in females, although I found from my target market questionairre that females also enjoy horror movies. I chose this audience because it is the most popular therefore meaning I could attract a mass audience if I were actually to produce the film.

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