Friday 10 June 2011

Further Research - The Tunnel

The Tunnel is a 2011 horror film directed by Carlo Ledesma, and co-written, co-produced and co-edited by Julian Harvey and Enzo Tedeschi. The film stars Bel DeliĆ”, Andy Rodoreda, Steve Davis, Luke Arnold, Goran D. Kleut and James Caitlin, in a documentary-style horror story set in the underground network of abandoned railway tunnels in Sydney, Australia.

The layout of this poster is very simplistic. The image is the main focus as it takes up the entire poster, and there is only a small rectangle placed slightly above the bottom on the left hand side including the title of the film, the release date and the website as well as the promotion the fact this film was the first film to be distributed online for free legally by BitTorrent. The release of this film was a sort of revolution and focused more the on the film being viewed than making money. The image on the poster is made up of lots of words running horizontally, which I will go in to in depth under the heading "image".

The colours are particularly muted in this poster and all work together. The image looks as if it is sepia from a distance, but closer it is clear it's make up from words in different tones of the golden colour. I think this is a clever and interesting way to create an image. The colours of the image also suggest night vision because it has the same sort of grey, muted tones. The text on the black rectangle also fits in with these colours. The first tag line "witness the viral movie of the year!" is in the same colours as on the image but it stands out because it is against a black background. The film title "The Tunnel" is also in these sort of colours, but it looks more silvery and the use of shadows and shines makes it look metalic and indistrial, linking well to the themes and plot of the film. Below this is a series of one word sentences which are patterned in colour white, the golden sepia colour and then white again. The website address is then also in the sepia colour but it has a shine on the middle part again making it look metalic and standing out from the rest of the smaller tag lines.

I think the image is very effective in this poster. From a distance it looks like a close up shot of a woman screaming which immediatley appeals to the horror genre. Because it is made up from text it looks fuzzy, like the camera has jolted or has lines across it, telling us it is a found footage style film. The colour of the image also suggests night vision, again telling us it is supposed to be "real footage". As we look closer we can see the image is made up of words, and then if we look even closer we can see they are names. This is very sinister as we wonder what the names mean and why the image has been made up from them. The idea of a long list of names with no identity we can see suggests a list of missing people, or people found dead. It may also however be credited people that contributed towards the film which is a clever way of including them in the poster.

There isn't a lot of text on this poster and it is quite small. It's not the main focus, but it is made very obvious because of how it has been placed on a black rectangle that stands out from the image. I think this works well as it means we can read the text without it being to intrusive of the image. Above the film title is a tag line "witness the viral movie of the year!" This suggests to the audience it is a must-see film and the use of "viral" tells us it is spreading quickly across the internet and worldiwide. There is also a play on words here with the use of "witness" and "viral". The idea of "witness" is as you will be watching the film as a witness, showing you what happened to the people. The use of "viral" also suggests a disease, and when you watch the trailer you can see this idea coming across as we can tell the things attacking them are some sort of creatures. Under the film title is the promotion of the fact it is free, which will either appeal to people or not, as they can't see it in the cinemas. The use of one word sentences makes them memorable, easy to read and also gives them a high impact. The website adress has also been given which promotes the film even further and in this case is where you can view it. The image on the poster has also been made up of text in different tones to creates the image. In my opinion this is very effective, as I explained in my analysis of image.

Institutional References
There are no institutional references on this poster most likely because it is an independant film. The film was distributed online by BitTorrent, but this isnt stated here. The website is, in a way, the promotion of the institution BitTorrent as they legally distributed this film online. There is also no rating as it's an indepandant film and was released on the internet.

The mise-en-scene of this poster is quite sinister. The photo immediatley suggests fear and horror because she is screaming. The grundgy colours also appeal to the horror genre and suggest the themes are not happy and positive. The colours are also similar to night vision, suggesting darkness and realism. The way the image has been made up of names is also quite disturbing. We don't know who the names belong to or what they mean, which creates mystery. It suggests the idea that these are people that have gone missing in "the tunnel" or been found dead, which makes the poster intriguing and also makes us look closer to read the small words. The film title and website also have a sort of metalitic effect due to the shines and shadows as I mentioned before, which gives it a sort of industrial feel which links in well with the themes and location of the film.

Screen Shots:

Plot Summary:
An investigation into a government cover-up leads to a network of abandoned train tunnels deep beneath the heart of Sydney. As a journalist and her crew hunt for the story it quickly becomes clear the story is hunting them.


Teaser Trailer:

Camera angle, movement, position
The trailer opens with the first title. The screen is black and a light shines over the logo for "distracted media", revealing it in parts. This is meant to be a torch which I think is really effective because it fits in well with the plot and makes the titles feel like part of the clips shown, supporting the effect of realism. Things float around in the air where the torch light moves over, again linking in with the setting and plot, making the title seem like part of the clips we are shown. The torch then goes back the other way to reveal two more institutional logos "DLHS film" and "zapruder's other film". This then fades to a shot of the top of "the tunnel", torch lights shining on it. The shot looks professional because it is supposed to be a news crew taking these, however this changes as the trailer continues. The shot moves down to eye level to show a woman walking down the tunnel with a torch. This then cuts to a another professional close up shot of water dripping in to a puddle, as if these are shots intended to be used for the news story. There is a voice over of a man here, the way he speaks is like he is giving an interview "Plan from the start..." at this point the shot cuts to the woman walking with the torch, the light shining through some sort of metal structure. The camera tracks round following her slowly. The voice over continues "when we got to the tunnel was to find the light". As he says light, her torch shines directly at the camera which acts as a transition to the next shot. We now see an extreme long shot of the tunnel, the small light from the torch at the end. The voice over continues "cause that's where the story was". This shot then cuts to black and the torch shines over another title "witness the viral movie of the year" which is also on the poster I previously analysed. The torch shines of the title leaving us in blackness which then cuts to a medium close up of a man reading a map. We can see it is dark as a bright light from the camera shines on him and behind him is darkness. He speaks "okay through here" and the man from behind the camera replies "through there?" which is appealing to the found footage genre. The camera is more shaky now and looks different compared to the more professional shots we saw previously, perhaps suggesting the start of a break down as the shots get gradually more and more shaky and panicky. This shot then cuts to a medium close up of another men leaning against a wall with headphone on and holding equipment "it's a bit tight down there tubby you reckon you're gonna make it?". This then cuts to a high angle shot of the man we saw previously climbing down a ladder in a small passage. The way the camera is filming as if we would look at it, it's appealing to the found footage genre as it is really suggesting this is actual filming. It also places the audience directly within the trailer making everything more impracticable. There is then another professional looking shot of water dripping from a rusty pipe, etablishing the setting. We hear the voice over of a woman speaking like a reporter would "directly below one of Sydney's.." and we then see a medium close up of her talking with the tunnel behind her as she continues to speak. This style of voice over over shot and then shot of the reporter talking is typical of news stories so this really adds to the effect of realism. She talks to the camera "busiest train stations..." then cutting to a shot moving across a large pool of deep water, the light from the camera revealing as it tracks round, so we know it is very dark. This water looks frightening and also relates directley to the voice over "is the forgotten water resort causing all the controversy". This shot then cross fades to the next title, the torch revealing it like the other. However this time as well as the particles in the air, we now see the reflection of water underneath, linking directly to the location and plot. This title read "A TV news crew". The voice over continues slightly in to this title, but as soon as she stops speaking we hear her speaking again but far more serious and in a different manner "yeah nothing stood out to start with it was quite normal". Half way through this voice over we see a medium close up interview shot of her looking upset. She looks up in slow motion looking guilty and traumatised. We can tell this is after they went in to "the tunnel" because of the voice over and the fact the shot is now professional and in a different setting. This then cuts to a short shot of camera moving around and then cutting to black. We hear the people talking over each other, creating the effect of unplanned conversation and therefore realism "yep" "there's something wrong with the light, there's something stuck on it" at the point the screen is still black. We think that there is something wrong and begin to become tense. But suddenly a bright light shines on the man we saw before with headphones. He scrunches his eyes and turns away and we realise this was a joke, making us relax again but also expecting the real danger and problem to come along. He shouts at the man holding the camera "oh shit!" and the camera moves over to show male and female reporters which we saw previously. The man smiles and we hear the other man speak "how did I not see that coming?" and the man behind the camera laughs. This makes them all seem like they're relaxed and having fun, which soon changes. This shot fades to black and the next title is revealed by the torch again "looking from a story" which is continuing on from the previous title. This cuts to a similar interview shot we saw of the woman before but this time of the man. He looks down in slow motion, also looking guilty and upset. We hear the voice over of him speaking like in an inteview "I was starting to feel..." at this point the shot cuts to a low level shot as if the camera is on  the floor of them setting up equipment. He continues to speak "that there was something not quite right". This then cuts to a high angle night vision shot filming the floor. The angle is tilted and strange so it makes us wonder what is filming if the camera has been placed on the floor. It suggests that something is watching them. There is also a very quiet growling sound which suggests to us that there is a creature or something not human. The cable on the floor moves suddenly, making up jump because of the tension being built up. The shot then cuts back to the low level shot of the people. The male news reporter sits on the floor covering his ears and the woman bangs the equipment to test something. Back to the shaky night vision shot and this time we see the male news reporter in the corner, so whatever is filming is directly above him. We hear the woman speak over this shot "did you, did you hear that?" which is building more and more tnesion. This shot then cuts back to the camera on the floor, they all wait in silence really building up tension. Suddenly there is a close up of the wire in the corner flying about as if it is being pulled by something. This shot cuts to black and the torch reveals the next title "but the story found them" which really builds fear as it relates to the previous shot. We wonder what "story" has found them. This title them flickers with an interference sound and cuts to black. The screen stays blank for a while, placing the audience in darkness. A shot then suddenly appears of them all running down a narrow passage and the male news reporter in front looks up as if he hears or sees something. This shot then suddenly cuts to black, then another shot appears rapidly creating the effect of panic and really contrasting with the long shots we saw at the beginning which were perfectly composed. The camera flings about which is disorientating and we hear the man shout someone's name as if they are missing. From this we can tell everything is breaking down. This then cuts sharply to a close up of a man we haven't yet seen reaching out his hand looking desperate and scared, half is body is not visible over a ledge so we can tell he is hanging or getting dragged down. Suddenly the camera flies back away from them as if the person behind it is getting dragged away too. This then cuts to another short shot of the male reporter with blood on his shirt reaching out his hand as if to say stop. He looks panicked and frightened. The next shot appears suddenly again, creating the panicky effect. The camera is low level again as if it is on the floor. The air is dusty so it is unclear what it is filming, but we do see a foot enter the shot and walk towards something in the cloud of dust. This shot cuts abruptly to black as we see this, giving nothing away therefore making us want to know who's foot that was and what was in the cloud of dust. We hear people whispering as the shot remains black for a few seconds and a shot of the male reporter fades in. He looks out at something looking panicked and scared, breathing heavily as if he has been running "we gotta go". This shot flickers to black, appealing to the found footage genre. The shot remains black and silent for a while, placing the audience once again in darkness. Suddenly there is a medium close up of the reporter as a creature jumps out of the darkness behind him and lands on him. We can't see what it is but we can tell it isn't human. The camera fuzzes so we can't see any more as if something has hit it. The torch light then reveals the next title which is the name of the film "THE TUNNEL" which fades in slowly. There is also another light shining from behind the title which looks like another torch, making the title stand out from the other and making it more interesting. This then fades to black and another title is revealed "the light runs out soon in Torrents" which is the tag line and the release place and date, basically saying "coming soon". I like the way they have included their tag lines in with this title. The website is also included here and the three institutional logos we saw at the begging, promoting the film and the distribution companies. This title then fades to black as the teaser trailer ends.

The first title appears with a thumping sound that sounds like a heartbeat and a quiet metallic screeching sound. This immediately starts to set a mood. The heart beat thumping continues throughout the next few shot, spaced out between each other. This builds tension and suggest that everything is calm at this point. As we see the woman walking down the tunnel, there is a louder screeching sound as The Tunnel is revealed as it makes this shot more shocking and immediately scary. As we see the shot of water dripping in to a puddle, we hear the diegtic sound of the dripping which echoes. This simplistic sound sounds ominous because of the way it echoes, appealing to the horror genre. As I mentioned before, there is the voice over of a man on these shots. He speaks as if he is being interviewed. We can tell this because of his tone of voice and the way his speech is disjointed. We hear the heartbeat sound again as the light shines through the metallic structure, giving a sort of rhythm to the shots. The metallic screeching sound is continuing throughout these shots. There is another heartbeat as the next title appears, again creating a rhythm and also building tension as the heart beats are more regular now. At points we also hear people speaking from behind the camera which is really appealing to the found footage genre. For example as the male reporter says "okay through here" the man from behind the camera replies "through there?" The voice over of the news reporter suggests a news story because of the way she speaks in a planned way. Her tone is what we would recognise as a news report and the way the close up shot of water dripping from the pipe is paired with the voice over and then the shot of her with the tunnel behind her suggests realism because this is what we would think of as editing for a news story. The shot filming the water also works really well with the voice over at this point. As the next title appears "a tv news crew" there is a louder interference/screeching sound which is building tension and gives more impact. As soon as the voice over of the reporter speaking finishes, we hear her speak again but we can tell this is at a different point because her tone sounds more serious and upset. She's speaking in past tense so we know this is after they went in to the tunnel. There is also the voice over of the man a few seconds after, which forebodes what is about to happen "that there was something not quite right". I thought the very quiet growling sound was effective because it really makes you think something is watching them and already suggests it is not human. As we see them waiting to see if something happens, the whining/screeching sound is getting gradually louder and high pitched which builds tension as they wait in silence. As the wire flies about there is also an added electrical sound, like you would hear if added to sparks which gives a real impact on a small detail. As the shot appears of them all running down the passage, there is a loud bang and scream making it shocking and also attempting to make the audience jump. As this frightening shot cuts to the next, there is an electrical flash sound effect which gives more of an impact and suggests there is lots of things goign wrong, everything is breaking down. The shot of the camera on the floor filming dust also appears with a bang and a scream, giving it high impact. Before we see the shot of the reporter saying "we gotta go" we hear whispering as the screen is black, which is disturbing as we can't hear what they are saying. This shot then flickers to black with an interference sound to add to the effect. The same sound is used when something jumps on the reporter and it fuzzes out. When the creature jumps on him a sound effect intended to be diegtic is added to make it seem more frightening and inhuman, appealing to the horror genre. There is also a wisp sound that gets louder and more high pitched as this happens. As we see the title THE TUNNEL we hear the faint echoing sound of the woman screaming and the quiet interference sound can be heard again along with the heart beat thumping. This leaves an impact from the previous shot on the audience. These sounds continue apart from the screaming as we seethe last titles fade to black.

Mise en Scene
The mise en scene of this trailer is constantly suggesting the main theme of the location, even through the titles. The light shines on them to reveal them, also showing dust particles in the air and reflection of the water. This keeps a continuous theme and also makes it seems like the titles are just another clip of the tunnel, continuously keeping the effect of realism. The tunnel is made to look really frightening because it is so dark and empty. The water dripping and echoing sounds really creates the effect of isolation, appealing to the horror genre. We can tell the tunnel is dark because of the lights used such as the lights from the camera and the torches, which suggests it is really pitch black, appealing to the horror genre. When we see the man holding equipment the idea they are a news crew is supported because they do look professional. The shot of the female news reporter speaking also supports this because it is a typical report shot and the tone of her voice tells us her character immediately.

The editing of this trailer is fairly linear apart from the included interview shots and voice overs which are talking in past tense so we can tell this is after the footage we are seeing. The trailer starts with professional, calm shots, which gradually build up to the panicked short clips that cut sharply between each other. This gives us the impression of a break down and things getting worse and worse as the trailer reaches the optimum point. The voice overs used also suggests a news report throughout, even the ones referring back. This keeps a continuous theme throughout.

The narrative of this trailer follows the characters entering the tunnel and then things gradually getting worse as they all get attacked and some disappear. Some of the narrative of the film is given away through the divided title "a TV news crew...looking for a story...but the story found them" which doesn't give anything away but encourages the audience to watch the film to find out what "found them". The narrative of the film is based all around the tunnel and all the shots show this as well as the titles. It is suggesting that something inhuman is watching and hunting them. We can tell this from the quiet growling sound as well as the obvious final shot of something jumping and attacking the male news reporter. This is really exciting and frightening as we know it is a dangerous and scary creature, but we don't know what it is. This encourages the audience to go and watch the film to find out.

Character representations
The male news reporter is first represented as the man in control, a stereotypical character for a man. He is in control of the directions and the map and is instructing everyone where to go. However this authority and organisation breaks down as we see him running and looking truly terrified, and even get attacked. He seems slightly arrogant in his interview shot where he says he knew there was something wrong, when he probably didn't. The female news reporter is obviously portrayed as this character because of the way she speaks and is shown in a reporting shot. She is the only female against the rest of the males and the only one we hear scream, making her seem more vulnerable. When all the men are laughing about the joke, she is looking out in to the darkness, perhaps because she thinks there is something wrong or serious about their work and getting a story. The other representation of a character is the man in a yellow t-shirt with headphones and equipment. He seems like the tech-geek because he seems to be in control of all the equipment as well as the funny character that lightens the film before something tragic happens to them. He makes a funny remark about the male reporter climbing down the gap. The man behind the camera plays a joke on this man and they laugh about it together, showing their relationship and the sort of characters they both are. They are having fun and messing about which really contrasts with how we see them in later shots.

I think the titles are really effective in this trailer. I have already mentioned what they read and some about them. They are intended to fit in with the theme and location of the film, being revealed by the light from the "torch". As well as the words being revealed so it dust particles and reflection on the water, fitting in with the location and creating a seamless flow between the shots and titles. They could seem like another shot which works well with the effect of realism.

Institutional references and logos
There are three institutional references at the beginning of the trailer that are revealed by the torch. The first is Distracted Media and the logo is revealed. As the torch moves back over to the left tow more are revealed and that's DLSHS Film and Zapruder's Other Films. These institutional references fit in well with the other titles and shots. These logos are then shown again when the website is shown at the end, reminding the audience.

Number of shots
I counted approximately 34 shots including titles. There is a variety of shots shown throughout this trailer which all set a certain mood and successfully build tension.

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