Friday 10 June 2011

Further Research - Paranormal Activity

I decided to research this film as it uses the hand held camera technique and is a realism horror. I feel that research in to the trailer and poster will be helpful towards my ideas.

Paranormal Activity is a 2007 American supernatural horror film written and directed by Oren Peli. The film centers on a young couple, Katie and Micah, who are haunted by a supernatural presence in their home. It is presented in the style of "found footage," from a camera set up by the couple in an attempt to photograph what is haunting them.

The layout of this poster is quite linear in the way it has been divided in to sections. There is a strip of black at the top with a quote from good review on "bloody disgusting". Then a strip with a screen shot from the film, then another larger black strip including the title, tag line and then how to request the movie in your area as well as promoting the website. There is also institutional references at the bottom. None of the text has been aligned in the same way. The title runs diagonally, each line moving to the right, and the quote has randomly aligned lines of text. I don't think this really adds anything to the poster, and it would have worked just as well if it was centred, but perhaps not if it wall all aligned to the left or right.

There isn't much colour variety in this poster, but the colours chosen work together well. The poster is mostly dark which appeals to the horror genre. Black has been used for the background which in itself is sinister and then white text has been used which contrasts dramatically, making the text stand out. The title of the film has been coloured red which suggests danger and evil, as well as the distortion effect making it look sinister and ghostly. There is also blue text which works well with the blue tint of the night vision in the image. A darker blue has been used to state where the quote has come from, and a lighter blue has been used for the encouragement to "demand" the film in your area, making it stand out. The "demand it!" has been placed in a red button like shape as if you could press it. This is perhaps because the button looked like this on the website, but it has since been updated. The colour of this button works well with the title and it means it doesn't look lost against the less bold colours.

The image appears to be a screen shot from the film, which is quite effective. The shot looks as if the camera has been set up by the people because it isn't in an interesting angle and seems to just be set up to film the room. The shot has a sort of rounded effect to look like a camera lens or CCTV camera which adds to the effect of realism. The composition of this image is effective because of the way on one side we can see the couple in bed, and there is the blank space by the door on the other, which makes it strange that she is pointing towards there. It makes us look closer to see if we've missed something, but there isn't anything there which makes it quite disturbing. The image is in night vision and doesn't look high quality because of the lines, which again adds to the realism. There is also a time and date in the bottom corner like you would have from a home video camera which makes people think this is actually real footage.

The type face used for the text on this poster looks like a type writer font. We relate this simplistic type face to basic documents, but also serious documents like police reports, which suggests to us subtly that this film is about serious matters. Because it is also a basic font, it's fits in well with the theme that the film is "home-made" and realistic. As I mentioned before there is no alignment to the text and it appears to be quite random, apart from the "demand it" encouragement at the bottom which has been centred. I don't think this takes away from the poster or adds to it, the layout seems to work well. However the off alignment of the text suggests disorientation and again that the poster is "home-made" which adds to the suggestion of realism. A quote has been placed at the top of the poster from a positive review which will encourage the audience to view it, especially fans of horror films as "bloody disgusting" specialises in reviews for this genre of film. The film title has a distortion effect that looks like it has been jolted, like a fast camera movement. This fits in well with the found footage theme as well as making it look ghostly. The first tag line "what happens when you sleep?" is effective as the use of "you" not only is very direct but also puts the audience in the position of the people in the image and makes them wonder "what does happen when I sleep?" leading up to when they when they watch the film they can imagine this happening to them. The next tag line "don't see it alone." is also very direct. It is a bold instruction that makes it seem strong and dramatic, making the audience think it's so scary they can't see it alone, because the poster has instructed them not to. It's also quite a catchy tag line that the audience are most likely to remember. At the bottom of the poster is also encouragement to demand the film if it is not showing in the area. This is getting the audience involved, as well as promoting the film and it's website. However I don't think this fits in very well with the poster because the "demand it!" button is so bold.

Institutional References
There are a few very small institutional references at the bottom of the poster, placed in the typical place of a film poster. The one I can see most clearly is Paramount, which may encourage people to watch the film as it is a credited institution, or discourage them as they like the idea of the film being independent and "home-made". This is most likely why it has been sized small.

The mise-en-scene of this poster suggests realism and mystery. We are being convinced that the image on the poster is real because it looks like a typical bedroom and the couple are in a double bed. This looks like a room most of us have seen and therefore can relate to, which I think works well for horror as it placing us in an environment that we can relate to our own home, making us more scared of what happens in the film. We can also see the image on the poster is in night vision which tells us it is night time but also adds to the effect of realism. The colours of the poster appeal to the mise-en-scene of the horror genre because of the use of black and red, which relate to darkness, evil and blood. This boldly supports the fact it is a horror film.

Screen Shots:

Plot Summary:
In 2006, Katie (played by Katie Featherston) and her boyfriend, Micah (Micah Sloat), are a young couple who recently moved into a two-story tract house in suburban San Diego, California. Katie claims that an "Evil" presence has haunted her since childhood and believes that it has followed her to their new home. Each night, Micah mounts a video camera on a tripod in their bedroom to record any paranormal activity that might occur while they sleep, in the hopes of solving the problem himself.



Camera angle, movement, position
This trailer opens with a green band stating that the film is rated R, which I noticed has been included on quite a few trailers on YouTube, but not really at the cinema. The first shot we see is a the camera looking down a long line of people waiting outside a building. The first title fades in on top of this shot in a type writer style font "In September 2009, a screening was held in Hollywood, California". The camera slowly tacks around to show the people. This shot then cuts to a slightly shaky low angle shot of people entering a cinema down the stairs and sitting down. They look happy and relaxed. The next title then fades in on top of this shot "This audience was among the first to experience the movie 'Paranormal Activity' ". This then cuts to a shot of the camera looking out across the cinema. It suddenly quickly zooms in and and another title fades in on top of this shot "This is what they saw...". Shot cuts to black. These establishing shots set the scene and but the audience within the setting of the audience. I think this was quite an interesting way to open a trailer and effective because the audience can put themselves with the audience in the cinema as if they are viewing the film too. By showing the audience entering the cinema and then reaction shots throughout the trailer, it is challenging codes and conventions of typical trailer because usually we just see clips from the film. The next shot then fades in from black from the back of the cinema showing people's heads in night vision in front of the screen. We see the Paramount logo sequence appear on screen and there is a slight flickering as if it is a film reel. This has been added in after because it is the only thing in the shot that inst in night vision, and if it were to be it would have just been glowing. Again this shot is placing the audience watching the trailer in with he audience watching the film, allowing them to experience part of it and also encouraging them to experience the real thing. This shot then fades to to an eye level, medium long shot of the people in the cinema looking at the screen in night vision. We then hear a sound from the movie on screen "high def camera on..." This shot then cuts to the previous shot where we can see the screen and the audience's heads. On the screen is a medium close up shot of a woman sat at a table. The camera is shaky appealing to the found footage genre and creating the effect of realism. We hear the man speak from behind the camera "my girlfriend Katie". This shot then cuts to the man filming himself in a mirror "she thinks there's something in the house". This then cuts back to Katie sat at the table "you believe me right?" she looks at the camera for a while waiting for a reply. We hear a echoing bang which I will analyse in more depth under the sound heading. This then cuts to a medium close up shot at eye level of the front row of the cinema showing all the way up to back. The audience look intrigued but still relaxed. We hear the man speaking from the film on screen "I think we're going to have a very interesting time". Cuts back to the shot from the back of the cinema showing the screen. The man is filming their bedroom and he continues to speak "capturing whatever paranormal phenomenon..." This shot on screen then cuts to the camera set up on a tripod filming their bed and the doorway next to it, the man walks from behind the camera, his voice continuing as a voice over "is occurring or not occurring". This shot then cuts to a medium close up in night vision of of people in cinema, still looking interested. This then cuts back to showing the shot on screen. The man is filming the blinds on the window and speaks from behind the camera "windows are locked", then cuts to next shot of him filming at eye level at the top of the stairs "doors are locked". He then moves slightly back to show his hands touching the alarm system "alarm is on." This shot suddenly cuts to black. We then see another shot of the screen and audience's heads of them laying in bed. The shot is in night vision and the camera is set up on the tripod. This is the shot wee see on the film poster, except here they are asleep. The time is also in the bottom right corner of this shot, creating the effect of realism. Katie then sits up in bed and we hear her boyfriend whisper "I hear a sound." This then cuts to a shot of someone filming the dining room from the top of the stairs. The chandelier is swinging vigorously completely by itself and now the trailer is becoming to be more frightening. We then hear Katie whisper "somethings here." This then cuts to a shot of a woman sat in the cinema hugging the boy sat next to her. By seeing the audience's reaction it makes us think the film is really frightening. We can still hear Katie speaking form the film "I feel it breathing on me". With a loud bang the shot cuts to the shot of them in bed on the screen. Katie suddenly sits up in bed and lets out a large gasp, practically screaming. This then suddenly cuts to a close up shot of a man in the cinema jumping with his mouth open, again making the viewer of the trailer think the film is really scary.We then see another medium close up shot of people in the cinema. Two girls at the front scream, making the audience want to sere what they find so frightening, therefore encouraging them to watch the film for themselves. This shot then fades to a shot on screen of filming of the floor, showing footprints. We hear the boyfriend say "There's footsteps in but there's not footsteps out", telling the audience that it's still in there with them, building fear. This shot then cuts to a medium close up shot of a girl in the cinema covering her face her top. She looks away and grabs her friend.  This then cuts back to the screen and we see filming of the floor again. Salt is spread out across it and we hear Katie say "oh god, oh my god". She sounds genuinely terrified which really draws the audience in and makes them feel the characters fear as well as the audience's. This shot then cuts to another reaction shot of a girl in the cinema with her mouth open. These shots keep being put in, continuously remind the audience of the trailer how the scary the audience in the cinema are finding it. If they are fans of horror films and like to be scared, this well really encourage them to watch the film. This shot then fades out and then a shot of screen again fades in. We see the couple in bed again and a voice over of a different man talks over the shot "if you try and play games with it, that's inviting it in". The camera then fuzzes and the shot cuts to another shot of them still in bed but in a different position. They are completely still, but something lifts up the sheet and moves on to Katie. This is very frightening as there is nothing there, appealing to the horror genre. Suddenly the door slams shut with a loud bang and the shot cuts to a girl in the cinema practically jumping out of her seat with fear, hiding her head. A title then appears on screen which is a quote from a review "Paranormal Activity is one of the scariest movies of all time - bloody disgusting". This title fuzzes and there is a loud interference sound, building tension. By including quotes from a good review, the audience watching the trailer are encouraged even more to come and watch the film. This title then cuts to a shot of the screen again. We see Katie curled up on the bed, a bright light from the camera shining on her. This shot fuzzes and then suddenly the camera is closer. We see her boyfriend lift up her top to reveal bruised bite marks on her back. We hear him speak from behind the camera, appealing to the found footage genre "Jesus, it looks like something bit you". This shot then cuts to a woman in the cinema who turns away and hides her face. Suddenly this shot cuts to the shot of the bite mark, repeating it in our minds. However this time it is in black and white and fuzzing severely. This shot then fuzzes to a very short clip of a shadowy figure, which plays with the audience's mind as it's so short you question whether you actually saw it. By repeating the disturbing shot of the bite mark is means it is imprinted in to our minds and the added distortion effect creates disorientation and makes it seem far more disturbing. This then fuzzes to the next title which is another review quote from Film Threat "genuinely horrifying". Again this encourages the audience to watch the film. This title zooms in slightly towards us, making it look more interesting and also creating the effect that things are closing in on the audience, creating fear. Over this title there is a voice over of Katie "It's not the house it's me", feeding us more little parts of the plot. We then see a medium close up of Katie on the screen holding her head looking panicked there is a voice over of the other man we heard before "you cannot run from this..." This shot then cuts to the man speaking. He looks professional sat in an office in a chair with a notepad, we now see him continue to speak "it will follow you". By starting the speech over the shot of Katie, it joins the two shots together and makes the editing more interesting as well as creating a flow between shots. What he says also relates directly to what we heard Katie say before. There is then another very short clip of the camera moving quickly across the room, we can't see what is filming and again makes us think we're seeing things. There is then another title which is a quote from another review by Dread Central "the entire auditorium was freaked out of their mind...people were physically shaken". Again another good review encourages people to watch the film. This title also fuzzes like TV interference which is appealing the the found footage genre. There is a voice over on this title. We first hear the boyfriend speak "I'm in control" and then katie sounding angry "you're not in control". As she says control the title cuts to people in the cinema, most noticably a girl holding her face in fear. Again my embeeding reaction shots throughout the trailer, the audience watching the trailer are reminded how firghtening the film apparently is. This shot then fuzzes with a loud screeching/fuzzing interference sound a bang to a night vision shot of katie curcled up on the floor in her bedroom, rocking which is applealing the the horror genre as it is paritculalrly frightening. By seeing Katie disturbed it really contrast with how we saw her at the beginning of the trailer. This shot fuzzes out to another title reading "experience it" in a industrial robotic type face which fits well with the genre of the film. The text also has lines across it like you saw on the fuzzy camera and to add to the effect the title itself fuzzes slightly.. The title then flickers to a night vision shot of Katie stood next to their bed staring at her boyfriend which is frightening because we are beginning to see something strange happening to her. There is a voice over of Katie saying "what's happening to me?" supporting our opinion that something is wrong with her. This cuts to a medium close up shot of her in bed looking upset or in pain. A shadowy hand reaches and touches her but before we can take it in the shot flickers to the next title. This is disturbing because we never got to see what this hand was, making us question all the possibilities. The next title is continuing on from the last in the same type face "FOR". It also flickers and has the interference lines across it which is again appealing the found footage genre. This title then cuts to a point of view shot the boyfriends hands holding a weejie board, which the audience are most likely to recognise, making them sense danger and 'paranormal activity'. A prop like this is really appealing to the horror genre. We here him speak from behind the camera "This thing left a message" which paired with the shot of the weejie board, is very disturbing. This then cuts to another short shot of the camera moving about rapidly, appealing to the found footage genre and creating the effect of realism and disorientation. This shot then  cuts to the next title, the same style as the last continuing the sentence on "YOURSELF". By splitting up the title it builds tension up towards the final word, where the audience will be expecting the trailer to reach it;s optimum point. The divided sentence is also a demand and tells the audience they can see it and be scared like the audience they are seeing. There is a voice over of Katie who sounds scared and desperate "It's not a ghost" which immediately makes the audience wonder what it is and that it must be something horrible. This then cuts to a black and white shot of a girl in bed, but it is not Katie. The shot is fuzzy and looks old. The girl in the bed arches her back and flinches about, suggesting she is being possessed, which makes us even more disturbed by the fact it isn't a ghost and clearly something much worse. Suddenly with a bang the shot cuts to a disturbing close up shot of the girl's face, her teeth clenched and her face demonic looking. This shot has a huge impact. It then suddenly cuts to black and the next shot quickly fades in. We see a point of view shot of someone filming and a hand reaching for the door handle. There is a voice over of Katie "what is it?" which is exactly what the audience are asking themselves. This shot is effective as we wonder what is behind the door, and we are expecting Katie's question to be answered when it is opened. But before the audience see the door open the shot cuts to a shot of a girl screaming in the cinema. This suggests she saw what was behind the door, making the audience watching the trailer want to watch the film so they can see what terrifying thing it reveals. There is then a bang as reaction shots cuts abruptly between each other, giving a real impact on how scary everyone is finding the film, encouraging people watching to the trailer to go and watch the film for themselves. The last reaction shot cuts to a shot in night vision of the bedroom and a man, most likely the boyfriend, flys through the air through the doorway and hits the camera, making it fuzz out to black. This seems to continue on from the shot of him opening the door, which really makes us wonder what was out there t make him fly back and make the audience so scared.The film title "paranormal activity" then fades i. It is larger than the rest of the titles because it is the name of the film. It flickers slightly again appealing to the found footage genre. This then cuts to a very short shot of a shadow on the wall which appears to be a girl falling. These short shots that have been including throughout the trailer creating the effect of disorientation and making them seem more disturbing as they give barely any information away. It also encourages the audience to watch the film so they can see what the clip is actually of. This then cuts to another title "opening in these cities on September 25th" and a list of American cities. This shows that the film is independent as usually it would say "in cinemas". This title zooms slightly making it more interesting and also clearing the effect that the words are closing in on the audience. This then fuzzes in to the next title "paranormal activity not playing in your area?" which is directly involving the audience. At the bottom of this title is the Paramount logo and institutional references. The screen then fuzzes again and "demand it" appears on the button like shape like on the poster. This is encouraging people to get the film out there and therefore boosting profits. The screen then fuzzes again for another title to appear on screen "bring it to your city by visiting". This gives people instructions as well as promoting the film and it's website even further. This then fuzzes out to black.

There is very good use of sound throughout this trailer. As we see the establishing shots of people entering the cinema, there is a quiet rumbling/droning sound which sets an ominous mood without being obvious, appealing to the codes and conventions of found footage genre trailers. This droning continues as we start to see the shots on screen. As we see the paramount logo appear on screen, there is a diegetic sound of a film reel clicking, which has been added during editing to tell the audience clearly that they are viewing the beginning of the film on screen. As we see the shot of the audience sat in the cinema, there is a voice over intended to be coming from the film ion screen "high def camera on". As we see the shot of Katie, we hear her boyfriend speak from behind the camera "my girlfriend Katie" which is appealing to the found footage genre as quite often characters speak from off screen. This also creates the effect of realism. After we see the man talking in the mirror, we see Katie at the table and she asks "you believe me right?", As she says this there is a quiet echoing bang which is foreboding and gives what she says a dramatic effect. As we see the next reaction shot of the audience, there is another voice over of the boyfriend speaking "I think we're going ton have an interesting time.." This continues as we see the shot on screen of him filming the bedroom "capturing whatever phenomenon.." and then this shot cuts to him walking away from the camera on the tripod and his voice is a voice over again "is occurring or not occurring". We then see a night vision shot of people in the cinema and a rumbling sound is still continuing, but now a high pitched squeaking has been added, building tension. As we see him filming around the house, we hear him speaking from behind the camera relating to what he is filming, again appealing to the found footage genre. For example, as he films the window he says "windows are locked". There is a silence at point for example where we see them laying in bed. As we see the chandelier swinging wee hear katie speaking from behind the camera which is again appealing the the found footage genre. As the reaction shot cuts suddenly to Katie sitting up in bed and gasping or screaming, there is a loud echoing bang which makes the shot have more shocking impact and also making the audience jumpy. The next few shots we see the rumbling sound and squeaking continues as well as them speaking from behind the camera. There is then another voice over of the other man, who is intended to be a specialist in the film, as they lay in bed "if you play games with it, that's inviting it in". This is the cue for something frightening to happen and tells the audience that they are about to be scared, building tension. As we see this shot of them in bed, there is an echoing wisp sound effect which gradually gets louder, again building tension. This shot then fuzzes to them still in bed and we see something move up under the sheets. The echoing wisp starts again, getting louder and building up tension to the optimum point where the door slams shut with a loud bang, which cuts to the reaction shot of a girl in the cinema. There is then a loud interference sound as we see the next title, a quote from Bloody Disgusting. As we see the boyfriend fi;ling the bite marks we again hear him speaking from behind the camera, supporting the shot and appealing to the found footage genre. After we see the reaction shot, there is a loud bang sound as we see the fuzzy shot of the bite mark along with a loud interference sound, creating maximum impact. There is then another voice over of Katie as we see the next title "it's not the house it's me", this keeps a continuous flow and keep the audience constantly engaged and listening. As we see the shot of Katie we hear the specialist speaking again in a voice over "you cannot run from this" which leads us on to the next shot of him in the chair. This is creating a seamless flow which I'm not sure works that well for a found footage style teaser trailer, but definitely makes it exciting. There is also an interference sound throughout this shot and then a loud metallic bang which echoes as we see the next title. There is also a voice over over this title "I'm in control" and then we hear Katie angry "you're not in control". As she says control we see another reaction shot. As this shot fuzzes in to the night vision shot of Katie rocking on the floor, there is a loud echoing bang and interference sound, building tension and suggesting to the audience that because there is more dramatic sound, things are getting worse and the trailer is reaching it';s optimum point. As we see the shot of Katie standing at the bed there is a voice over of her saying "what's happening to me?" which tells the audience that clearly the shots they are seeing aren't normal and things are changing from how we first saw her. As we see the divided title "experience it for yourself" there is a bang and interference sound as each one appears, giving impact to each section and also supporting the fuzzing effect. This interference sound is really appealing to the found footage genre. There is also another bang when we see the shot of weejie board, giving it more impact. Over the title "YOURSELF" we hear Katie say "it's not a ghost" which leads the audience on to the next shots. There is then the same bang as we see the disturbing shot of a girl in bed arching her back. Another voice over which is effective is when we see the shot of someone reaching for the door handle and Katie speaks saying "what is it?" suggesting this is answered behind the door, but before the audience get to see the door open we see a reaction shot of a girl screaming. This makes the audience want to see what it is, therefore encouraging them to watch the film. As we see this shot cut to the reaction shot, there is the bang again and interference sound, giving her reaction more of an impact and suggesting something shocking happened on screen. After this we then see reaction shot cutting sharply between each other, With each cut there is a bang, giving a sense of urgency and impact to the dramatic reactions. There is then a wisp sound to add to the shot of him flying through the air. It is intended to be a diegtic sound but it has been added to create more of an effect. There is then a bang and interference sound as he hits the camera and it fuzzes out which is also intended to be diegetic, but it is a sound effect added to create more of a dramatic effect. As "Paranormal Activity" fades in there is a quiet droning sound and as it flickers and interference sound has been added. These sound effect continue through the last few titles.

Mise en Scene
The mise-en-scene of this trailer creates a dark effect and suggests realism. At the beginning the shots in colour suggest everything is fine at this point, then when we see night vision shots we start to feel more and more fear. As the trailer moves on the shots fuzz more and more becoming more distorted and we see more shots in night vision, which makes the trailer seem very dark and sinister. Realism is created by the film being set in a house. We can tell it is a house because of the objects and layout of the location. This allows the audience to put themselves within the film as it is a location they would all recognise, making the trailer seem more frightening. We can also tell the audience watching the film are in a cinema because of the layout of the seats and the fact the reaction shots are in night vision so we know it;s dark. This also allows the audience watching the trailer to place themselves in the position of the audience watching g the film, especially in the shot from the back of the cinema where we can see the screen. This therefore makes them actually want to be there and be watching the film to see if they have the same reaction as the audience in the trailer. The costumes of the characters also make them look like real people, again appealing to the found footage genre.

The editing of this trailer builds up tension to the optimum point at the end. It starts of with shots of people entering the cinema which introduces the trailer. The title fade in gently, creating a relaxed effect. Throughout the trailer the shots become more and more distorted, fuzzing and moving above quickly. Some very short shots are included of the camera moving about or a shadowy silhouette making people think they are seeing things and making them think what terrifying thing was in the shot. Reaction shots have also been put in to make what the audience watch in the trailer seem more frightening and also encouraging them to watch the film. There is also good use of voice overs, creating a seamless flow and also sometimes explaining shots and making them seem more disturbing. I don't think this seamless flow works well for the found footage genre, but it is well edited. As the trailer goes on, the shots have been edited to fuzz between each other which builds tension and tells the audience that things are getting worse as it contrasts with the perfect cuts between shots at the beginning of the trailer. Louder sounds are also built up throughout the trailer creating more and more tension and also telling the audience the trailer is reaching it's optimum point.

The trailer doesn't give away too much of the narrative of the film, but suggests parts and there is also the feeling that things are building up and getting worse throughout the trailer. We also follow the narrative of people in the cinema becoming more and more terrified as the trailer goes on. It is suggested that things get gradually worse in the film because the shots get more and more disturbing and distorted as well as more dramatic loud sound being added. We know that the film follows a couple that are apparently being tormented by paranormal activity, thought so more by the girl Katie. This narrative means that most people can place themselves in this position, especially the target audience of young adults. Some more of the plot is then revealed that it's not the house, it's Katie who it is attached to. We are also told it is not a ghost which makes us think it is something terrible like a demon when Katie says "it's not a ghost...what is it?" The audience eis also told that because of this something happens to Katie from the disturbing shots we see of her by the bed and rocking as well, as the voice over "what's happening to me?" When we see the clip that appears to be old of a another girl it suggests she is getting possessed, which tells the audience this is what probably happens to Katie and that it is some sort of demon tormenting her, which is really appealing to the horror genre.

Character representations
There are a lot of character representations throughout this trailer. Firstly I will talk about representations of the audience. Mostly shots of screaming girls are shown, which stereotypes the female audience. When selecting shots, these were probably the most effective as females to tend to get more scared than males. There is also a point where a girl hugs the boy next to her, again stereotyping male and female audiences. The shots of males however, challenge stereotypes. Some of them seem to be genuinley terrified of the film, making the audience think that if it can scare all these men, it must be a truly frightening film. The representation of Katie at the beginning is a stereotype female. She is first shown in a high angle shot making her look more vulnerable. She also seems particularly vulnerable when her boyfriend reveals the large bruised bite marks on her back. However this representation changes throughout the trailer as we begin to see more disturbing shots of he and are given away some of the plot line, telling us that she is changing and becoming demonic like the video clip of the girl getting possessed. She looks particularly threatening when she is standing over the bed staring at her boyfriend which is disturbing to us because of how vulnerable she first appeared. The boyfriend in the trailer is the typical male stereotype. He is constantly in control of the camera and equipment which stereotypically is the males role.He also seems worried about Katie when he reveals the bruises showing his relationship towards her. He also sounds completely relaxed at the beginning of the trailer as if it is a bit of fun, which gradually changes as we see more and more disturbing things. Katie is the opposite of this in the trailer as she seems to be taking ti more seriously "you believe me right?" The boyfriend is also stereotyped when we hear the voice over of him saying "I'm in control" which is then challenged by Katie "you're not in control". This could be represented as a typical couples argument, but there is something much more sinister behind it. The other character representation is of the expert on paranormal activity. We can hear from his voice overs that he sounds professional and when we see the shot of him he looks executive with his notepad.

The first titles we see are introducing us to the trailer. They tell us about the screening and therefore explaining the review. They then lead us on to the trailer and reaction shots "this is what they saw..." These titles are in a type writer style font which looks serious and also creates the effect of low budget, often used in found footage style trailers. The next titles we see are of quotes from reviews, which is really encouraging the audience to watch the film. They are from trusted sources such as Bloody Disgusting, which will make people really believe these opinions. These title flicker and fuzz which is appealing to the found footage genre. There is then a sentence divided in to separate titles giving it a high impact "Experience it...for...yourself". This demanding title is really direct to the audience and makes them feel as if they have to go and see it. The last titles are the name of the film PARANORMAL ACTIVITY and then where it is showing and then how to "demand" the film is it's not showing in your area, promoting distribution of the film therefore boosting profits. There is also institutional reference's here for Paramount, the log placed at the bottom of the screen,

Institutional references and logos
The institutional reference for Paramount has been cleverly edited in to the trailer. It appears on the cinema screen as if the film is opening, keeping the same realism style. The paramount logo is then on the last titles in the bottom right corner.

Number of shots
This trailer has a lot of shots. I including titles I counted approximately 57. Some of these were very short shots to create the effect of disorientation and make the audience feel as if they are seeing things. More shots are shown at the end of the trailer and they cut between each other quickly, creating the effect of urgency and panic as the trailer reaches optimum.

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